Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate handbook 2004: Units indexed by faculty
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Undergraduate handbook 2004
Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Science

Course code: 2146 + Gippsland or off-campus learning

This double-degree course aims to equip graduates for a computing career in a scientific setting or a career in one of the sciences supported by professional-level computing skills.

Course requirements

The course can normally be completed in four years of full-time study or eight years by off-campus study, with variation to suit individual circumstances. A total of at least 192 points must be completed as follows.

Information technology component

Students complete 16 units (a total of 96 points) comprising one of the following majors:

System development major

Any two units from:

Business systems major

Any two units from:

Network technology major

Plus two units from

Science component

Units with a total credit value of at least 96 points drawn from Faculty of Science units must include the following:
(a) Two science sequences (excluding computing) consisting of major sequence in one area of study and a minor sequence in a second area of study.
(b) Two core units: one of SCI1020, STA1010, MAT1085 at level one and SCI2010 at level two.
(c) One unit from one of the following groups:

This unit is to be drawn from a different group from those that include the two chosen science sequences in (a).

(d) For students taking the business systems major, the six-point unit MAT1097, which provides core mathematics background.
Consult the section `Science areas of study and sequences offered' for the Gippsland campus in the Faculty of Science entry for details of available science sequences.

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