Monash University: University Handbooks: Postgraduate handbook 2004: Units indexed by faculty
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Postgraduate handbook 2004
Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Master of Surgery


The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences offers a Master of Surgery (MSurg) program. Surgical research is assuming greater importance in the career development of surgeons of all specialities.


Candidates for the degree of Master of Surgery will be required to undertake a major research program and will be required to submit a thesis for examination. The thesis should embody the results of an investigation carried out by the candidate, under supervision, which shows independence of thought and which demonstrates the candidate's ability to carry out research in the discipline of surgery.

Length of course

Normally 18 months full-time equivalent.


Department of Surgery at Monash Medical Centre, The Alfred and other sites approved by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

Admission requirements

A candidate must not less than two years prior to applying for admission to candidature:
1. Have qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Surgery (B.S.) of Monash University;
1. Have qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Surgery of another university recognized as equivalent to the Monash B.S;
2. Hold the Part 1 Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) or equivalent body and by being an accredited trainee in surgery as evidenced by acceptance in or completion of an advanced accredited training program of the RACS or equivalent body acceptable to the Faculty;
3. Since qualifying for the degree of Bachelor of Surgery, have been substantially engaged in the practice and study of surgery, or in scientific work, which in the opinion of the Faculty board, is relevant to the practice of surgery.


MSurg candidates are required to prepare a major thesis to report on their research findings. The word length for the thesis would not normally exceed 50,000 words.

Fee structure

Australian citizens and permanent residents: Research Training Scheme (RTS)
International Students: $20,300pa 2004.


Inquiries should be directed to the course co-ordinator: Professor Julian A Smith,
Department of Surgery,
Monash Medical Centre
Monash University
Tel: +61-3-9594 5500
Fax: +61-3-9594 6045

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