Course code: 2846 + Course fee: Local students - RTS HECS-exempt places available + Course director: Colin A Hope
The Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History offers the only program in Victoria and one of only two in Australia that provides supervision of research degrees in Egyptology, and one of the few offering supervision in related areas of Near Eastern Archaeology. This course is designed for students wishing to combine coursework with research and for whom a research process of induction, training in methodology and concepts, and supervised project design will be particularly useful. Both mid-year entry and part-time enrolment are possible.
The completion of a BA honours degree in archaeology, ancient history or, at the discretion of the course director, a related discipline (results of H2A or better) or the Masters Qualifying in Archaeology and Ancient History with a research component (results of H2A or better both for the program overall and the research component). In the case of overseas or interstate applicants, qualifications matching the above, to be decided on a case-by- case basis.
The course comprises two 12-point units and a thesis of 20,000 to 25,000 words. The two units must be completed in the first year (if full-time) or the first two years (if part-time). All students will complete ARM5740 (Reading the ancient past) and ARM5060 (Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt), unless they have previously completed ARM4740 and ARM4060 as part of another program, in which case they will complete ARM5010 (Research topics in archaeology: the New Kingdom) and ARM5020 (Research topics in archaeology: Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt). Note that the minimum pass grade for units in the Master of Arts in Archaeology by coursework and research is 60 C, ie a grade of credit or above is required in every unit and for the thesis.
Candidates undertaking a 66 per cent research load will normally be required to enrol for all of the units in the coursework component on Clayton campus and may then apply for transfer to external candidature.
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