Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate Handbook 2002: Units indexed by faculty
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Coordinator: Associate Professor Jennifer Rolland (Department of Pathology and Immunology)

The discipline

The immune system has evolved to provide the host with a highly sophisticated strategy for defence against invading microorganisms including viruses, bacteria and larger parasites. There is also evidence that the immune system can target cancer cells and thus has a fundamental role to play in maintaining host homeostasis. Immunology is the study of the cells and molecules which provide an effective and highly specific response to a wide array of foreign antigens. Knowledge of the mechanisms for coordination and regulation of the immune system is an exciting and rapidly advancing frontier with major implications for vaccine development. There are several diseases associated with disorders of the immune system. These include allergy, autoimmunity and immunodeficiency such as following HIV infection. Transplant rejection is also an example of an unwanted immune response. Recent insight into the molecular basis for these disorders is leading the way to more effective and selective treatments.
The Department of Pathology and Immunology offers four immunology units as part of the BSc at third-year level. In each semester, students can take one theory-based immunology unit (IMM3031/ IMM3042) and one practical-based unit (IMM3051/IMM3062). Together, these units provide an excellent coverage of all aspects of immunology, and students will be well equipped to undertake a career in research, applied or diagnostic Immunology. Immunology links with other branches of biology such as cell biology, pathology, bichemistry and microbiology, and units in these disciplines are an excellent complement to immunology. In preparation for studying immunology at level three, students are recommended to take one biology and chemistry unit at level one and they should take one level-two biological science unit. Cell biology is recommended.
The Department of Pathology and Immunology in collaboration with other departments also offers cell biology units at levels two and three of the BSc. Cell biology is a rapidly advancing contemporary field that strives to understand how an entire cell is organised and how this organisation supports cellular function. This requires an integration of molecular biology, biochemistry, morphology and imaging. Cell biology is an essential component of many areas of the biological sciences, including plant sciences and the biomedical disciplines such as developmental biology, neurobiology, immunology, microbiology and physiology, as well as both the biomedical and agricultural biotechnology industries. Cell biology is fundamental to the post-genomic era, as the function of gene products can only be clarified in their cellular contexts. For example, in biomedical sciences, the identification of gene products responsible for the genetic defects in inherited diseases represents only the beginning in the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms. The cell biology units will introduce students to dynamic cellular processes.
Human pathology units are offered in both semesters at third-year level. These units are coordinated conjointly by the Departments of Pathology and Immunology and Anatomy and Cell Biology. Students will gain an understanding of basic pathologic processes with particular reference to cell death, inflammation, disorders of immunity and neoplasia. Particular diseases will also be discussed including ischaemic heart disease, cancer of the breast, lung, colon and skin, diabetes, renal failure and anaemia. Skills in microscopy, histology-staining techniques and diagnosis and problem-solving will provide students with valuable assets for future careers in applied or research pathology and biomedical sciences.
The department also offers an honours program at fourth year. For this, students undertake a major research project on a topic selected from a wide range in immunology, cell biology and immunopathology. Advanced theory study is in the form of tutorials and assignments.

Units offered

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