Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate Handbook 2001: Subjects indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Biomedical Science

General information

Course abbreviation: BBiomedSc

Student outcomes

The Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree will be characterised by providing three main outcomes for its graduates. These are:

Students will, by the selection of elective subjects in first and second year, and by the pattern of subjects chosen for the third year of the degree, decide which of these outcomes is to be achieved.

Admission and selection


In 2001, it is expected that the first-year intake into the course will be 100 students. In addition to these places, the faculty will offer a number of first-year places to suitably qualified local and international students on a full-fee-paying basis.


To be eligible for selection to the course, an applicant must apply through the VTAC system. Internal applicants who are currently enrolled in a Monash course must complete a Monash Biomedical Science application form.

VCE prerequisites

The prerequisites for entry into the Bachelor of Biomedical Science are:

Selection procedure

Selection will be made on the basis of the ENTER and will involve a two-stage process, with a middle band of approximately 20 per cent. Applicants should consult the latest VTAC guide for further details. Current Monash University students must complete a Monash Biomedical Science Application Form, which is to be returned to the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences by 1 December.

Admission to first year with equivalent qualifications

Students who have not achieved their entrance qualifications in Victoria must hold qualifications which in the faculty's opinion are equivalent to those held by local candidates. The qualifications must include the same prerequisite subjects as those for local candidates outlined above. Such applicants must demonstrate at least the same level of academic merit as that which is required for local applicants.

Applications from non-school leavers

Applicants presenting with either partially complete or completed tertiary qualifications will be considered for entry to the Bachelor of Biomedical Science course. In considering such applications, the selection committee will take account of an applicant's entire academic record. Applicants for later-year entry must clearly demonstrate to the selection committee that the content of their previous studies is at least equivalent to the Monash Bachelor of Biomedical Science course components for which they are seeking exemption.
Application for entry to the Bachelor of Biomedical Science is through:
Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
40 Park Street
South Melbourne, Victoria 3205
Telephone 1300 364 133
or on the internet at
Current Monash University students applying solely for a transfer to the Monash Bachelor of Biomedical Science course must complete the Monash Bachelor of Biomedical Science Application Form. A VTAC application is not necessary.

International students

Places are available in the first year of the Bachelor of Biomedical Science course for international students. These students come from overseas to study in Australia under student visas and return overseas upon completion of their degree.
Selection of international students is determined on the basis of each applicant's academic qualifications.
Prospective applicants should be aware that the fee charged for the course will be set annually, taking into account inflation and other factors.

Course structure

The course is designed as a series of interlinked and consecutive sequences of subjects aimed to permit students to readily acquire fluency and proficiency in the concepts, language and fundamentals of the biomedical sciences. The development of such a flexible curriculum may be achieved as part of one or more orderly course sequences or knowledge streams. The distinctive feature of this educational approach is that students are allowed some flexibility in their choice of subjects so that they are able to construct a sequence of studies suitable to their own requirements. In this way, students choose the most appropriate studies for their own particular career aspirations.

Core subjects and electives

All students in the Bachelor of Biomedical Science course will complete a program which is a combination of core and elective subjects. In the first and second year of the program, students will study three core and one elective subject each semester. In the third year of the program, students will study two core subjects and two elective subjects each semester. Every semester, students will receive more detailed information about all core and elective subjects from subject convenors and individual subject manuals. These manuals contain detailed information on teaching staff, contact persons, timetables, textbooks, reading guides, supplementary lecture material, details and weighting of assessment methods and procedures including some specific assessment dates. Manuals are available at the commencement of each semester.

General considerations

The undergraduate course is normally taken in three years of full time study.

Subjects for the BBiomedSc

First year

Students will be required to study three core subjects and one elective subject in each semester of first year.

First semester
Second semester
Second year

Students will be required to study three core subjects and one elective subject in each semester of second year.

First semester
Second semester
Third year

Students will be required to study two core subjects and two elective subjects in each semester of third year.

First semester
Second semester
Elective subjects

The following faculties offer subjects suitable as electives in various years of the program.

Faculty of Arts

In principle, all first-year Faculty of Arts subjects are available as electives for the Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree, subject to their availability, timetable considerations and the rules and regulations of the Faculty of Arts. A range of subjects is available, which will, over two years, provide a minor sequence (24 points) in arts. These include several language subjects and subjects from philosophy, geography, sociology, history and politics. Several of these are also available by distance and flexible modes. The Faculty of Arts together with the Department of Physiology has developed a pair of first-year elective subjects, BME1111 (Science, culture, and the concept of race, human origins and development) and BME1122 (Human affairs, health, illness and sexual difference).


The Faculty of Arts has several possible elective subjects at later year levels, which would include languages, philosophy and geography. A range of subjects is available, which will, over two years, provide a minor sequence (24 points) in arts.

Faculty of Business and Economics

Students may choose electives from a range of subjects that can provide a minor sequence (24 points) in business and economics. These include accounting subjects AAF1021 and AAF1022, AAF1031 and AAF1032, economics subjects ECM1020 and ECM1031 or ECM1032, and management subjects MGC1020 and MGC1030. For full details of these subjects, consult the Faculty of Business and Economics section of this handbook.


Students may choose from several sequential subjects in accounting, economics and management, providing that the appropriate first-year subjects have been completed successfully.

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering is planning to offer, via the Centre for Biomedical Engineering, a third-year elective ´Sports medicine and rehabilitation', which will also involve the departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Physiology and Surgery.

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law has agreed to make available a small number of places in certain subjects to suitably qualified students. Students wishing to be considered for these subjects need to consult with the associate dean (Teaching) of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

Faculty of Information Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology is reviewing the development of elective subjects for the second and third year of the degree.

Faculty of Science

Students may choose from several subjects offered by departments from the Faculty of Science. In particular, the Department of Psychology, in collaboration with other departments, has developed a series of subjects for the Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience degree. Many of these subjects are available as electives in all three years of the Bachelor of Biomedical Science program. In addition, the Department of Mathematics in first year and the Department of Biological Sciences in second and third year are offering several elective subjects.

Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Students may choose from elective subjects from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences in all three years of the degree. Subjects developed by the departments of the faculty for the Bachelor of Science will be available as electives within the Bachelor of Biomedical Science, provided they do not overlap with core subjects. Subjects offered in the Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics are available as electives to students undertaking the Bachelor of Biomedical Science provided they do not overlap with core subjects.


The Department of Psychological Medicine has developed a subject, BME1130 (The human being in health and illness). The Department of Physiology, together with the Faculty of Arts, has developed a pair of first-year elective subjects, BME1111 (Science, culture, and the concept of race, human origins and development) and BME1122 (Human affairs, health, illness and sexual difference). The Centre for Population Health and Nutrition offers two elective subjects, BND1011 (Social nutrition) and BND1022 (Food chemistry).


The Department of Physiology is offering BME2012 (Skeletal muscle and cardiorespiratory physiology during exercise). Elective subjects will also be offered by the Centre for Population Health and Nutrition.


The Department of Microbiology and the Department of Pathology and Immunology are offering BME3011 (Infection and immunity).

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