Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate Handbook 2001: Subjects indexed by faculty
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School of Philosophy, Linguistics and Human Bioethics

General information

The School of Philosophy, Linguistics and Human Bioethics pursues a deeper understanding of what people are doing when they reason, communicate and make moral choices. The major research strengths of the school lie in logic and metaphysics, applied ethics and moral philosophy, and language in society.
The school runs programs of courses in three disciplines: philosophy, linguistics and human bioethics, each of which articulate conceptions of the nature of the world we live in and offer conceptions of the good life within a tolerant, liberal society. Research and teaching are conducted with reference to traditional theoretical frameworks as well as to the study of contemporary issues, at times challenging some of the traditional notions and leading to theory development and modification. Fields of study within the school include the history of ideas, world religions, language and thought, and contemporary issues such as intercultural communication, language planning and policy, and ethics in a changing world.
Theories of logic, syntax, semantics, phonology, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse are applied to improve our knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of language and the use of languages in society. Foundational ethical frameworks are brought to bear on specific issues in political theory, in professional ethics, and especially in dealing with moral concerns which arise out of the application of new scientific advances to human subjects.


Linguistics is the study of the structure and function of language and the uses of language in communication including written, spoken and ´cyber' contexts. Linguistics explores how languages differ, what they all share, and provides the techniques and principles to be adopted in the analysis and description of any given language. In addition, the linguistic study of language and language use in socio-cultural contexts contributes to our understanding of identities, social and cultural organisation, multiculturalism/multilingualism, institutions and power as well as the creative functions of language in texts and discourses. Knowledge of linguistics is central to the study of languages (eg English, Australian Aboriginal languages, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, ). Linguistics also offers students of anthropology, mathematics, philosophy, sociology, engineering, psychology, law and computer science useful insights into the nature of language in their particular area of interest. Examples of the practical applications of linguistics include communications within organisations, communications interfaces with electronic systems, the preparation of materials for language teaching, the development of language policies in government and in education, and in the areas of business, professional and technical communication, tourism and intercultural communication and speech therapy.
The first year provides students with an introduction to the nature of language, including the manner in which sounds are produced and represented (phonetics), the organisation and relationship of sounds in language (phonology), the grammatical forms of words (morphology), the organisation of words in sentences (syntax), the analysis of meaning (semantics), language change (historical linguistics) and language variation and the uses of language in social contexts (sociolinguistics).
In the second and third years, the areas of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonetics, phonology, and sociolinguistics are developed on a general and comparative basis and there are also subjects exploring varieties of English, historical and comparative linguistics, Aboriginal languages, discourse analysis, applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, first and second language acquisition, language and gender, intercultural communication, multiliteracies in English and the structure of English.

First-year level

Offered every year Coordinator: To be announced
First year normally comprises LIN1010 and LIN1020 (or LIN1030 and LIN1040 prior to 2001). However, a student may start linguistics in second semester by taking LIN1020 (or LIN1040 prior to 2001) followed by LIN1010 (or LIN1030 prior to 2001) the next year.

Distance education and online resource delivery

Several linguistics subjects are offered by distance education or by a combination of online resources and face-to-face teaching contact. These subjects are usually available in the same semester as the on-campus delivery of the subject. The access to online resources and distance education allows for flexibility and face-to-face class commitments are kept to a minimum. Alternative arrangements include the use of the Monash Portal and electronic group discussion programs. In addition to the online or print resources, students can access tutorial support by telephone, fax and email. These basic resources are supplemented by optional one-day workshops, usually held on a Saturday. The intention is that the flexible learning program should make linguistics subjects available to students whose work or other commitments make it difficult for them to attend regular classes on campus. The following subjects can be undertaken on-campus, by distance education or through flexible mode using online resources:

For more details on flexible learning subjects, contact the Linguistics section or visit its website at


Philosophy is the study of fundamental ideas about the world we live in, about what would constitute a good life in such a world, and about what could be done to make it better.
Students are not expected to be persuaded by the doctrines of any one school or tradition. Rather, we seek to deepen the understanding of a variety of different world views. Students are encouraged to express any conclusions that they themselves may have reached concerning foundational questions, but they are also expected to try to understand some of the influential conclusions that others have reached. Furthermore, it is essential that students try to understand what reasons people have had for reaching those conclusions. Thus, we strongly encourage students to study the theory of reasoning (logic) if they intend to major in philosophy.
The following are other areas of study which are central to philosophy. Metaphysics is the study of what sorts of things exist in the world, and how they are related: for instance, whether there is a mind or soul and if so, how it is related to the body. Epistemology is the study of what constitutes knowledge of the world, and of what methods can be used to obtain it. Ethics and aesthetics investigate what it is to make value judgements, and how such judgements can be justified. Political philosophy investigates the principles which underlie the structure of a good society.
Every human inquiry rests on general assumptions which we take for granted while we pursue more particular goals. At times however, in any discipline, foundational questions arise. Anyone facing such questions, in any discipline, is doing philosophy. Thus for any discipline there is an area of study appropriately described as the philosophy of that discipline. There is the philosophy of history, of psychology, of biology, of science, of law, of mathematics, and so on.
Sometimes these foundational questions within a discipline can profitably be explored by philosophers as well as by specialists in that discipline. Philosophers can draw connections between the foundational problems arising in one discipline and those arising in other disciplines. Philosophers can also attempt to integrate different disciplines, at a foundational level, into a coherent overall world-view.
Thus, the focus of philosophical concerns varies enormously. Consequently, we provide a wide range of options for study while at the same time attempting to ensure that every student has some acquaintance with the central problems and traditions in philosophy.
For an indication of some of the most central issues in current philosophy, read What Does It All Mean? by Thomas Nagel, Oxford University Press, 1987.

How will studying philosophy help me get a job?

Unlike degrees in law or medicine, the BA and BSc degrees equip you for a variety of careers, not just one. It is therefore not easy to say just what jobs philosophy will help you get. We believe that training in philosophy provides students with many of the transferable skills that employers want. These include reasoning and communication skills, originality and the ability to think and act on your own initiative. Studies in the United States have shown that philosophy majors consistently outperform graduates of all other disciplines in reasoning and verbal aptitude tests; and among arts and social studies graduates, they come behind only economists on quantitative skills (see Peter Ratcliffe and Martin Warner, Philosophy Graduates and Jobs, Royal Institute of Philosophy and the University of Warwick, 1986).
Some of our recent graduates who majored in philosophy have gone on to jobs in education, the public service, computing, finance and the diplomatic corps. Still others have gone on to graduate work in philosophy and then on to teaching positions at colleges and universities, both in Australia and abroad, research positions in ethics centres, positions on hospital ethics committees and, in two cases, successful careers as politicians.

Year coordinators

Students wanting advice should first approach their tutors or lecturers in individual subjects. If problems persist, the students should approach the appropriate year-level coordinator. Year coordinators for 2001 will be Aubrey Townsend (first, second and third years) and Graham Oppy (fourth year and graduate).

Resource-based teaching and flexible delivery

Several philosophy subjects are offered in flexible mode. All these subjects can be taken in any semester and are flexibly scheduled so that class commitments are kept to a minimum. Flexible learning mode subjects are also available in the summer. These subjects use Open Learning materials, but there is also a tutorial support service operating by telephone, fax and email. These basic resources are supplemented by two one-day workshops, usually held on a Saturday. The intention is that the flexible learning program should make philosophy subjects available to students whose work or other commitments make it difficult for them to attend regular classes on campus. The following subjects are normally offered in all three semesters in flexible mode:

For more details on flexible learning subjects, contact the Philosophy section or visit its website at
Closely associated with resource-based teaching is an alternative assessment program. The Keller Plan is used in most of these subjects. In the plan, a series of assessment tasks are completed in a specified order. Typically, the series involves short exercises, an essay and tests. Each task has to be completed at a satisfactory standard before moving on to the next, but students nominate the standard to count as satisfactory (pass, credit or distinction) and can retry on any task until that standard is achieved.

First-year level

Coordinator: Jeanette Kennett
Philosophy offers four first-year subjects:

In order to undertake studies in PHL1020 (Introduction to philosophy B), students should have satisfactorily completed either PHL1010 (Introduction to philosophy A) or PHL1070 (Philosophy: life, death and morality) by the time the course commences.
For a detailed description of these subjects, consult First-Year Philosophy at Monash 2001, which is available from the Philosophy section or from enrolment advisers.
All students must go to the Philosophy section during the week before the semester begins to arrange tutorials.

First-year sequences

Students may enrol in one subject (in either semester) or in an approved pair of subjects (usually one in first semester and the other in second semester) to form a first-year sequence in philosophy. The latter would be the normal first-year enrolment in philosophy. Approved first-year sequences in philosophy are:

A first-year sequence in philosophy is the normal prerequisite for later-year philosophy subjects. However, some later-year subjects have only one (semester) philosophy subject as a prerequisite, and some others have no philosophy prerequisite at all.

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