Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Course code: 0051 · Clayton campus
The fourth-year level of study, the honours year, is available in all the science disciplines listed in this handbook. In special circumstances, the dean, acting on the recommendation of the heads of departments, may approve candidature embracing more than one discipline. Students having successfully completed the first three years, ie having qualified for the BSc pass degree, may apply to enter. The normal requirement for entry to the honours year is a distinction grade average (70 per cent) in at least 24 points of a relevant third-year discipline as determined by departments, although heads may make a case for students with marks between 65 and 69 who have demonstrated research potential. Departments may, however, set a higher standard of entry, depending on the availability of supervision and/ or quotas.
The work to be completed shall be that prescribed by the head of department.
The details of one student's honours program in a discipline may be significantly different from those in another program in the same discipline. Departments at this level are able to cater substantially for the interests of individual students, although there may be compulsory elements to be completed by all students in the one discipline. The relevant regulation simply states that the work to be completed by a candidate will be as prescribed by the relevant head of department.
The graduates of the BSc designated degrees who successfully complete the honours year will be eligible for the award of the following degrees: