Graduate courses

Doctor of Philosophy

An extensive research-based program offering further training primarily for BSc(Hons) graduates.

Doctor of Psychology

A three-and-a-half-year research degree which includes coursework and practical training in clinical psychology and additional coursework in a choice of specialised areas (medical/health psychology).

Graduate Certificate in Plant Natural Products
Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, distance/Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE

One year of study, in collaboration with Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, leading to the award of GradCertPNatProds.

Graduate Diploma in Psychology

A three-year, part-time sequence of study whereby graduates may complete the major in psychology progressively from level 1 to level 3. This replaces single subject enrolments in psychology.

Master of Organisational Psychology

A two-year full-time (or four-year part-time) coursework program for psychology graduates in organisational psychology.

Master of Applied Science

A research-based program for BAppSc or BSc graduates or undergraduate diploma graduates who have appropriate work experience.

Master of Science

A research-based program primarily aimed at further training for BSc(Hons) and BSc graduates. Coursework/minor thesis programs are available in some areas: geology, geophysics, mathematical modelling, meteorology and statistics.

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology

A one-year full-time or two-year part-time course for students who hold a first degree with a major in psychology.

Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology

A two-year part-time distance education course for students who hold a first degree with a major in psychology.