Map 8 Bachelor of Information Systems, Caulfield

Course code: 1545 · This course is not open to new enrolments

First year


First semester

SYS1001 Information systems 1 (6points)

COT1130 Computer equipment (6points)

SFT1101 Introduction to software development (6points)

Business subject (6points)

Second semester

SYS1002 Information systems 2 (6points)

COT1140 Operating systems (6points)

SFT1102 Program design and data structures (6points)

Business subject (6points)

Second year


First semester

SYS2001 Information systems 3 (6points)

COT2132 Relational database (6points)

SFT2305 COBOL (6points)

Non-computing minor (6points)

Second semester

SYS2002 Information systems 4 (6points)

SYS2003 Professional practice (6points)

BUS2176 Project management (6points)

Non-computing minor (6points)

Third year


First semester

SYS3550 Industrial project (12points)

IMS third-year elective (6points)

Electives and minor (12points)

Second semester

IMS third-year elective (6points)

Electives and minor (12points)