Applying for a course


Most undergraduate programs assume that mathematics has been studied at secondary school to a reasonable level and that the minimum requirement is a mathematics study at VCE levels 1 and 2. For Victorian students, the requirement for some undergraduate courses is VCE mathematics levels 1 and 2 and for other courses levels 3 and 4. Courses that involve computer engineering have relatively stringent prerequisites. VCE English at levels 3 and 4 is a prerequisite for all courses. Students should consult the VTAC guide for the study score, which varies by course.
Subject prerequisites are listed under the course descriptions within this handbook. Students should refer to the relevant and current version of the following publications for details of the necessary entrance scores, or contact any faculty office:


Applicants who seek to enter an undergraduate degree for full-time or part-time study in Australia should apply directly to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, 40 Park Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205. Applicants for undergraduate study by distance education should apply through the Gippsland campus faculty office. Please note that Monash no longer recognises the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) as an alternative method of meeting entry requirements. Instead Monash encourages all applicants who do not satisfy Monash entrance requirements to undertake some university or TAFE study. Applicants who seek to study at the Monash Malaysia campus should apply to the Admissions Officer, Monash University Malaysia, No 2 Jalan Kolej, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

TAFE articulation

The faculty has established articulation arrangements with several TAFE courses, (eg Associate Diploma in Business (Computer Programming) and Associate Diploma in Business (Microcomputing)) into the Bachelor of Computing, Caulfield, Peninsula and Gippsland campuses. The TAFE Associate Diploma in Engineering (Electronics) has established articulation arrangements into the Bachelor of Digital Systems, Clayton campus.
However, prospective TAFE students should note that they have no automatic right of transfer into the Bachelor of Computing or the Bachelor of Digital Systems program offered by Monash University, but must be selected in competition with other students.
Candidates completing the Diploma in Information Technology should note that assessment of articulation with the Diploma in Information Technology is currently being made.
Candidates articulating from the Associate Diploma in Business (Computer Programming) or the Associate Diploma in Business (Microcomputing) or the Diploma in Information Technology (Software Development) into a Bachelor of Computing on the Caulfield campus are granted one year of advanced standing in the degree (a total of 48 credit points of the 144 points required to complete the degree). Credits can be claimed both for computing and non-computing subjects. In general candidates entering with these qualifications commence their studies as second-year students.
In some cases, the exact structure of the course as offered on any campus must be considered when claiming non-computing credits and students are advised to discuss these with the faculty in relation to the particular non-computing units they have studied as part of their associate diploma.
Detailed information about the computing specialisations can be found in this handbook in the 'Undergraduate courses' section and in the course information brochures for each campus. The specific credits which will be granted for any associate diploma other than those mentioned here can be determined by contacting the faculty office at Caulfield. For more advice on any matter relating to admission, articulation or credit transfer from TAFE studies, contact the credit transfer coordinator (Caulfield campus) on telephone (03) 9903 2433.