Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Economics - BA/ BEc

Course code: 0170
The following should be read in conjunction with the statement on the Bachelor of Economics and the Bachelor of Arts in the Arts section of this handbook.
The combined degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics require a minimum of four years full-time study, or five years for the degree with honours, or the equivalent in part-time study. To qualify for the award of both degrees, candidates must complete compulsory subjects in economics at first and second-year level and in statistics at first year, and a three-year specialisation in one of the areas of economics, econometrics or economic history together with one major sequence and one minor sequence from subjects offered in the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students must therefore complete subjects to the value of a minimum of 188 credit points over the length of the course, of which 84 points must come from subjects offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics (Clayton) and 80 points from the Faculty of Arts, the remaining 24 points can come from another faculty, from Arts or from Business and Economics (Clayton). The course structure is shown in chart 7 of the section 'Charts of degree structures'.