The undergraduate programs

The following undergraduate programs will be available on the Berwick campus in 2000.

Double degrees

Double awards

All these programs involve studies for two separate qualifications at the same time. The Faculty of Business and Economics is responsible for the administration of the Bachelor of Business and the Bachelor of Tourism courses. The Bachelor of Communication degree managed by the Faculty of Arts and the Bachelor of Science managed by the Faculty of Science are offered in conjunction with TAFE diploma courses. Details of the TAFE advanced diploma and diploma courses may be obtained from Chisholm Institute.

Single degrees

Note that a new degree, the Bachelor of Business and Commerce, will be offered at the Gippsland and Peninsula campuses from 2000, but possibly not at the Berwick campus until 2001. Students first enrolled prior to 2000 will have the option of completing their degree under the regulations in force when they first enrolled, or of transferring to the new degree.