Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education

General information

Course code: 1880
This double degree provides students with an arts major and minor field of study as well as a sequence of studies in education leading to registration as a primary or secondary teacher. This course offers the most common pathway to teaching by way of double-degree program in arts and education.

Course structure

A candidate for the double degree must fulfil the following requirements to receive the awards of Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education:
(a) complete a total of 196 but not more than 216 points
(b) complete an arts major sequence (52 points each) offered by the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences
(c) complete the prescribed sequence offered by the Faculty of Education (96 points)
(d) undertake additional arts electives to complete the 196 points needed for the degree.

Arts major sequences

The arts major sequences in the primary and secondary stream may be chosen from history-politics, Indonesian, Koorie studies, mass communcations, psychology*, sociology or writing (details on each discipline are provided under the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences entry).

Arts minor sequences

The arts minor sequences in the primary stream may be chosen from sociology, history-politics, Koorie studies, Indonesian, writing, mass communications or psychology*. The arts minor sequences in the secondary stream may be chosen from sociology, history-politics, Koorie studies, Indonesian (only if studied at VCE level), mass communications or psychology*.