Bachelor of Arts (Languages)

General information

Course code: 1366 · Coordinator: Professor Philip Thomson
Through the BA (Languages) the university recognises the importance for the people who are to function in the global, multicultural setting of the 21st century of having a deep knowledge of languages, both as systems and in their socio-cultural contexts. The proposed program will attract students who wish to develop skills and experience in second language acquisition and communication that can also be utilised in subsequently learning/studying other languages and in careers requiring highly developed language and communication skills in Australia and overseas.

Course structure

There are three ways in which this degree can be completed:

Model 1

A minor in linguistics and a 'deep major sequence' in one language. The deep major consists of the major sequence in a language and further subjects providing a socio-cultural context for the users of the language Students must also complete a minor in a second language in European or Asian studies.

Model 2

Students must complete majors in two languages and a minor in linguistics.

Model 3

Students must complete a major in a language, a major in linguistics and a minor in a second language or in European or Asian studies.