Social work

The discipline

The postgraduate degrees aim to provide an opportunity for human service and welfare professionals to enhance and develop their professional skills and knowledge and to make links between practice in the field and more academic knowledge and theory.
The degrees aim to provide for the needs of managers and policy developers as well as for social workers or others involved in direct work with clients. They also aim to cater for human service professionals who work as middle managers and as supervisors.
Supervision of PhD and research masters candidates is available.
Note that the Master of Social Work coursework degree may be undertaken on-campus or via flexible learning.

Master of Social Work by coursework

General information
On-campus mode

Course code: 0019 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A12,000 · Course coordinator: Thea Brown

Distance education mode

Course code: 1645 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $9000 · Course coordinator: Thea Brown


The course may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis. The full-time course is taken over one year and the part-time course over two years. Students are required to complete four 12-point units.

Entry requirements

Students will be required to have a Bachelor of Social Work degree or other relevant degree with an approved fourth year of study at undergraduate, honours or diploma level with grades of credit average or above. Relevant work experience may also be considered. Evidence of this experience must accompany the candidate's application for entry into the program and be presented with the application in the form of two references which comment on the nature and extent of the experience, a full CV, plus a statement of up to 1000 words indicating the applicant's career objectives and reasons for applying for entry. Academic record, publications and work experience in the community and social services will be taken into account in selection.

Course of studies

These subjects may be offered in either semester one or semester two. Please check availability of subjects prior to enrolment.

SWM5140and SWM5150 (Policy, program planning and evaluation I and II) are sequential subjects. Students enrolling in SWM5140 and SWM5150 must take both parts in the same year. The two subjects may not be undertaken separately. Please check with the department prior to enrolment as to which subjects are available in any one year. Additional subjects are expected to be available in 2000.