
See also entry for 'Communications'

Master of Arts in Publishing by coursework and research

General information

Course code: 0017 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $12,000 pa · Course coordinators: John Arnold and Nick Walker
The publishing industry is a significant employer of tertiary-educated and otherwise highly skilled staff in the long-established book and magazine sectors, and now also the electronic publishing sector. The MA in Publishing by coursework and research will offer students an opportunity to undertake a postgraduate research qualification with a minor coursework component. The course will be of special relevance to those wishing to enhance their skills in the publishing industries and undertake a major research task, with the benefit of expert supervision.
Most of the classes in this course are taught in the Melbourne CBD. Students can undertake this course on a part-time basis over three years or one-and-a-half years full-time. Normal contact hours for each 12-point subject amounts to the equivalent of two hours a week. The thesis is of 25,000 to 35,000 words in length. Students are expected to meet with their supervisor at least on a monthly basis during the completion of their thesis.

Entry requirements

Candidates for admission would normally possess an honours degree with an H2A grade, or equivalent, or an MQual with a research component, or equivalent, to at least H2A level overall as well as a distinction or above in the research component.

Course structure

Candidates will be expected to complete two of the following subjects:

or other approved subjects, plus a 66 per cent thesis of 25,000 to 35,000 words. Students with no background in editing will be required to take PUB5002.
Note that the minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in publishing and editing is 60 C, that is, a grade of credit or above is required in every subject and for the thesis.

Master of Arts in Publishing by coursework

General information

Course code: 2183 · Course fees: Local students (FT) - $A6600; international students - $A12,000 · Course coordinators: John Arnold and Nick Walker
The publishing industry is a significant employer of tertiary-educated and otherwise highly skilled staff in the long-established book and magazine sectors, and now also the electronic publishing sector. The MA in Publishing by coursework offers an opportunity to undertake a postgraduate qualification of special relevance.
Most of the classes in this course are taught in the Melbourne CBD. Students would normally undertake this course on a part-time basis, completing two subjects each year, or full-time over one year. Normal contact hours for each subject amount to the equivalent of two hours a week.

Entry requirements

Candidates for admission would normally possess an honours degree or MQual with a grade of H2B or above, or equivalent; or a graduate or postgraduate diploma in a relevant discipline with grades of at least credit average; or a bachelors degree in a relevant discipline with credit grades in the third part of the major or in the last year of the degree, plus a minimum of three years of relevant experience at a senior level, evidence of which must accompany the candidate application for entry into the program. This could include work experience in the publishing industries in authorship, editing, editorial production and design, management, sales or marketing and promotions. For those applying in the latter category, the following evidence must also be presented: two references which comment on the nature and extent of the experience; a full curriculum vitae; and a statement of up to 1000 words indicating the applicant's career objectives and reasons for applying for entry.

Course structure

Candidates who have not completed the Graduate Diploma of Arts (Publishing and Editing) will be expected to complete the following three subjects:

and one of the following subjects:

Students must complete a total of 48 points.
Students who have already completed the Graduate Diploma of Arts (Publishing and Editing) may not take at fifth-year level subjects they have already undertaken at fourth-year level. A program of study will need to be approved drawing upon core subjects and a range of approved electives. This will include the following core subjects:

plus an approved fifth-year elective. Students are encouraged to do PUB5007.12 Advanced editing.
Note that the minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in Publishing by coursework is 60 C, that is, a grade of credit or above is required in every subject.

Graduate Diploma of Arts (Publishing and Editing)

General information

Course code: 1357 · Course fees: Local students (FT) - $A6600; international students - $A12,000 · Coordinators: John Arnold and Nick Walker
This one-year postgraduate course is designed to provide editorial and publication management skills to those having aspirations to become involved in scholarly, commercial, educational and corporate publishing; academic life and/or to establish their own small publishing business.
The course provides an overview of Australian publishing and its various forms, both historical and contemporary. Students should develop an understanding of the key dimensions of professional skill inherent in the publishing production process and develop skills in the preparation of text for publication. A critical awareness of new forms of publishing, especially electronic publishing and multimedia, and an understanding of the forms of expression in the publishing industries will be taught so that students can better comprehend the enduring role of text in the publishing and electronic media.
Most of the classes in this course are taught in the Melbourne CBD. The diploma is usually completed with one year full-time or 18 months to two years part-time study.

Entry requirements

Entry into the diploma is open to candidates who hold a good pass degree in any discipline or a Faculty Certificate in Publishing with grades of at least credit average.

Course structure

Students are required to complete six eight-point subjects worth 48 points to qualify for the award of the diploma. Students must complete the following compulsory subjects:

Core subjects

Students select their final subject from any fourth-year unit offered at eight points by NCAS (students are encouraged to do PUB4007.08 Advanced editing) or other departments within the Faculty of Arts or (where appropriate) by the School of Information Management and Systems in the Faculty of Information Technology.

Faculty Certificate in Publishing

General information

Program code: 2052 · Program fees: Local students (FT) - $A3300 pa; not available to international students · Coordinator: John Arnold
The Faculty Certificate in Publishing offers suitably experienced people the opportunity to further develop and upgrade their skills and expertise in the field of publishing and to familiarise themselves with recent developments in the industry. The faculty certificate also provides a means for those with industry experience and/or publications to their credit but who may not have a tertiary qualification to enter the National Centre for Australian Studies graduate program in publishing studies. In particular, the program will introduce students to the concept of the book as a cultural object, the publishing industry in Australia today and to contemporary debate about the future of the book in the age of new and converging media. The faculty certificate would usually be undertaken on a part-time basis over one year or full-time over the first semester. Students who complete the faculty certificate with grades of at least credit average may seek admission to the Graduate Diploma of Arts (Publishing and Editing) and, if admitted, will obtain a maximum credit of 24 points.

Entry requirements

Candidates with a bachelors degree are eligible for admission subject to an interview and the availability of a place. Candidates without tertiary qualifications who seek admission to the faculty certificate will be considered in light of the following:

Program structure

The program requires the completion of two compulsory eight-point subjects and one of three functional subjects, being a total of 24 points. Students must complete two core subjects:

and one of the following functional subjects: