Asian studies

The discipline

Asian Studies comprises the interdisciplinary study of the region referred to as Asia, usually regarded as starting to the west of Pakistan and including those countries to the east and south-east, to the western rim of the Pacific. As a region, Asia contains two-thirds of the world's population and many hundreds of distinct cultures and languages. It is home to the world's two largest countries, the world's biggest democracy and some of the world's most sophisticated and developed economies, as well as some of the most impoverished and least developed countries.
In particular, East Asia has been the engine for global economic growth over the decade towards the end of the 1990s, while regional political, strategic and diplomatic issues have dominated world attention.
Research is undertaken in the fields of society, language and culture, politics and government, economics and business, health and nutrition, education and law.
Graduate programs range from the Master of Arts by coursework and research (66 per cent) to the faculty certificate. All programs are designed for teachers, business people and students who wish to deepen and broaden their knowledge of Asia.
The coursework programs offers students with a relatively narrow, discipline-based background the opportunity to develop a broader, multidisciplinary approach to a range of complex issues in Asia, and offers those students coming back to study after some time in the workforce the opportunity to acquaint themselves with recent debates and changes in the field.
For all queries, including detailed subject information and lecture and tutorial times, contact the student administrative officer on (03) 9905 5280, the graduate coordinator on (03) 9905 5281 or view the web page at http:/ / See also the entry for 'Humanities, communications and social sciences' for research degrees in Asian studies.

Master of Arts in Asian Studies by combined coursework and research

General information

Course code: 0017 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A12,000 pa · Coordinator: Damien Kingsbury
This program, which normally requires one-and-a-half years of full-time study or three years part-time, will enable students to focus on a chosen area of research on Asia. The coursework component is designed to encourage interdisciplinary perspectives to broaden and deepen the understanding of Asia and Australia-Asia relations.

Entry requirements

Applicants who have completed an honours degree with a grade of H2A or above, or an MQual with a research component with a distinction average grade or above, and a grade of distinction or above for the research component, may be admitted to the MA in Asian studies by coursework/ research combined. Previous study of an Asian language at university level is normally assumed.

Course structure

Candidates are required to successfully complete a total of 24 points of coursework: AST5050.12 (Interpreting modern Asia: alternative approaches) is the core subject (12 points); another 12 points chosen from the list of fifth-year elective subjects available from Monash Asia Institute; plus a 66 per cent thesis of 25,000 to 35,000 words. The subject AST5000.12 may be compulsory for students who have not completed AST4000.12, pending consultation with the coordinator about relevant background knowledge in the field.
The selection of subjects must approved by the coordinator, the teaching department and the faculty. Normally, each student's program will emphasise one aspect of Asian studies or Australian-Asian relations, and one region, East, South or Southeast Asia.
The thesis topic must be determined in consultation with the supervisor, who is to be selected in consultation with the graduate coordinator. The minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in Asian Studies by combined coursework and research is 60 C, that is, a grade of credit or above is required in every subject and for the thesis.

Masters Qualifying in Asian Studies with a research component

General information

Course code: 1988 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A12,000 pa · Coordinator: Damien Kingsbury
This program, which takes one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study, aims to develop a broader and deeper understanding of Asia and Australia-Asia relations, and seeks to improve research methods and skills relevant to this area of study. It will assist in preparing students for a successful transition from undergraduate to graduate study in Asian studies, and thus provides an alternative to an honours program. It is designed both to retrain and to develop new expertise and skills, and therefore will be of particular value to teachers and those working in organisation having frequent contact with the countries of Asia.

Entry requirements

Applicants should have a bachelors degree such as a BA, BEc, BEd or BSc or equivalent with at least credit average over the three-year degree. Previous study of an Asian language or Asian studies is not required.

Course structure

Students will take subjects totalling 48 points comprising the core subject AST4000.12 (Contemporary issues in Asia), a language sequence totalling 12 points, a 12-point research project, AST4010 (Research methods in Asian studies) and a 12-point subject selected from those offered at fourth-year level in the schedule of subjects available from Monash Asia Institute. Students undertaking a 12-point coursework subject plus a six-point language subject in the same semester will be considered full-time. Students are advised to discuss this issue at enrolment time with the administrative officer in the Monash Asia Institute.
The selection of subjects and research topic must be approved by the coordinator, teaching departments and the faculty. Normally, each student's program will emphasise one aspect of Asian studies or Australian-Asian relations, and one region, East, South or Southeast Asia, which relates to their language studies.
An Asian language sequence is compulsory. Applications for exemption without credit from language studies will be considered where previous Asian language studies have been completed within a university degree or a student is a native speaker of an Asian language. Students exempted will choose an additional 12-point fourth-year elective to complete the required number of credit points.

Core subjects
Language sequence

One language sequence totalling 12 points selected from the schedule of fourth-year-level subjects.


Subjects totalling 12 points selected from the schedule of elective subjects offered at fourth year.

Master of Arts in Asian Studies by coursework

General information

Course code: 0017 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A12,000 pa · Coordinator: Damien Kingsbury
This program is intended for graduates with an interest in Asia and Australian-Asian relations. The duration of the course is one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. It is designed both to retrain and to develop new expertise and skills and to provide in-service training, and therefore will be of particular value to teachers and those working in organisations having frequent contact with the countries of Asia.

Entry requirements

The minimum entry requirements are an MQual in Asian Studies by coursework with grades of credit average, or the Graduate Diploma of Arts (Asian Studies) with grades of credit average, or a four-year honours degree in a relevant discipline with a grade of H2B or above, or a degree which is considered to be equivalent.

Course structure

Students will take subjects totalling 48 points comprising the compulsory core subject AST5050.12 (Interpreting modern Asia: alternative approaches), a language sequence totalling 12 points, and elective subjects totalling 24 points selected from those offered at fifth-year level in the schedule of subjects. Students undertaking a 12-point coursework subject plus a six-point language subject in the same semester will be considered full-time and are advised to discuss this issue at enrolment.
The selection of subjects must be approved by the coordinator, teaching departments and the faculty. Normally, each student's program will emphasise one aspect of Asian studies or Australian-Asian relations, and one region, East, South or Southeast Asia, which relates to their language studies.
An Asian language sequence is compulsory. Applications for exemption without credit from language studies will be considered where previous Asian language studies have been completed within a university degree or a student is a native speaker of an Asian language. Students exempted will choose an additional 12-point fifth-year elective to complete the required number of credit points.
The minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in Asian Studies by coursework is 60 C, that is, a grade of credit or above is required in every subject.

Core subject
Language sequence

One language sequence totalling 12 points selected from the schedule of fifth-year-level subjects.


Subjects totalling 24 points selected from the schedule of elective subjects offered at fifth year.

Masters Qualifying in Asian Studies by coursework

General information

Program code: 1987 · Program fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A12,000 pa · Coordinator: Damien Kingsbury
This program, which takes one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study, is intended for graduates with an interest in Asia and Australian-Asian relations. It is designed both to retrain and to develop new expertise and skills and to provide in-service training, and therefore will be of particular value to teachers and those working in organisation having frequent contact with the countries of Asia.

Entry requirements

A bachelors degree such as a BA, BEc, BEd or BSc or equivalent with at least credit standard results in the third part of the major sequence. Previous study of an Asian language or of Asian studies courses is not required.

Course structure

Students will take subjects totalling 48 points comprising the core subject AST4000.12 (Contemporary issues in Asia), a language sequence totalling 12 points and subjects totalling 24 points selected from subjects offered in the schedule of fourth-year-level subjects. Students undertaking a 12-point coursework subject plus a six-point language subject in the same semester will be considered full-time and are advised to discuss this issue at enrolment.
The selection of subjects must be approved by the coordinator, teaching departments and the faculty. Normally, each student's program will emphasise one aspect of Asian studies or Australian-Asian relations, and one region, East, South or Southeast Asia, which relates to their language studies.
An Asian language sequence is compulsory. Applications for exemption without credit from language studies will be considered where previous Asian language studies have been completed within a university degree or a student is a native speaker of an Asian language. Students exempted will choose an additional 12-point fourth-year elective to complete the required number of credit points.

Core subject
Language sequence

One language sequence totalling 12 points selected from the schedule of fourth-year-level subjects


Subjects totalling 24 points selected from the schedule of fourth-year-level subjects.

Graduate Diploma of Arts (Asian Studies)

General information

Course code: 0115 · Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A12,000 pa · Coordinator: Damien Kingsbury
The graduate diploma is intended for students who wish to complete a graduate qualification in Asian studies within one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.

Entry requirements

Applicants who have a bachelors degree such as a BA, BEc, BEd or BSc or equivalent with at least credit level results in the third part of the major sequence or the Faculty Certificate in Asian Studies with a credit average are eligible for admission. Students who have satisfactorily completed the Faculty Certificate in Asian Studies may obtain a maximum of 50 per cent credit towards the Graduate Diploma of Arts (Asian Studies). Previous study of an Asian language or Asian studies is not necessary.

Course structure

Candidates for the diploma will take coursework totalling 48 points normally comprising the core subject AST4000.12 (Contemporary issues in Asia), a language sequence totalling 12 points and subjects totalling 24 points selected from the schedule of fourth-year subjects. Students undertaking a 12-point coursework subject plus a six-point language subject in the same semester will be considered full-time and are advised to discuss this issue at enrolment.
The selection of subjects must be approved by the coordinator, teaching department and faculty. Normally, each student's program will emphasise one aspect of Asian studies or Australian-Asian relations, and one region, East, South or Southeast Asia, which relates to their language studies.
An Asian language sequence is compulsory. Applications for exemption without credit from language studies will be considered where previous Asian language studies have been completed within a university degree or a student is a native speaker of an Asian language. Students exempted will choose an additional 12-point fourth-year elective to complete the required number of credit points.

Core subject
Language sequence

One language sequence totalling 12 points selected from fourth-year-level schedule of subjects.


Subjects totalling 24 points selected from fourth-year-level schedule of subjects.

Faculty Certificate in Asian studies

General information

Program code: 2072 · Program fee: Local students - $3300 · Coordinator: Damien Kingsbury
This program, offered full-time over one semester or part-time over one year, is designed to provide non-graduates who have extensive professional experience in the area of Asian studies or relations with the opportunity to formalise their area of expertise and add to their knowledge base with the introduction of recent debates and changes in the field. Upon successful completion of this certificate, students may apply for admission into the Graduate Diploma of Arts in Asian Studies, which offers a wide choice of Asian languages from beginners level and further interdisciplinary study.

Entry requirements

Candidates with a bachelors degree in a field other than arts and with relevant experience which establishes their capacity for advanced study in Asian studies are eligible for admission. Previous study of an Asian language or of Asian studies courses at the undergraduate level is not required. The following principles will form the basis for decisions about admission for candidates without a bachelors degree:

Course structure

Candidates for the certificate will take the compulsory core subject AST4000.12 (Contemporary issues in Asia) and other coursework subjects totalling 24 points selected from the schedule of fourth-year-level subjects available from Monash Asia Institute. This may be taken full-time in first semester, or part-time over one year.
The selection of subjects must be discussed with the executive officer and approved by the teaching department and faculty.

General requirements and prohibitions for Asian studies programs

1. A minimum of a credit grade average must be achieved in the MQual in Asian Studies. MA in Asian Studies candidates must achieve a credit grade in all subjects to qualify.
2. No subject taken at undergraduate level may be credited or repeated as part of the MA in Asian Studies, or MQual in Asian Studies, Graduate Diploma of Arts (Asian Studies) or faculty certificate. However, at the discretion of the Monash Asia Institute, students may receive an exemption without credit for language studies at undergraduate level. Credit may not be gained for any subject offered under a different name but regarded by the faculty as the equivalent or part equivalent of that subject. The following pair of subjects fall into this category: MBA6960.06 (International trade policy making) and PLM5560.12 (Politics of international trade).
3. The core subject AST4000.12 (Contemporary issues in Asia) is compulsory for the graduate diploma and the MQual. The core subject AST5050.12 (Interpreting modern Asia: alternative approaches) is compulsory for the MA in Asian Studies, and under normal circumstances each must be taken in the first semester in first year. Exemption without credit for this subject may be granted where students have satisfactorily completed this subject within a previous graduate degree. Students are encouraged to take AST4030.12 (Thinking about Asia) in the second semester of the first year of the graduate diploma or MA courses.
4. It is expected that students will complete all assignments on time and at normal graduate standards. Research students should refer to the Faculty of Arts booklet A Research Student's Induction Handbook for guidelines.
5. Asian language study is compulsory in the graduate diploma, MQual and MA in Asian Studies programs with the exception of the MA in Asian Studies by coursework/research combined where previous university-level Asian language is a prerequisite. A minimum of 12 points and no more than 24 points of language study can be undertaken within these programs and under normal circumstances only one language can be studied.
6. The selection of subjects must be discussed with the coordinator, Dr Damien Kingsbury.
7. Students undertaking the research project in the MQual in Asian Studies with a research component or thesis in the MA in Asian Studies coursework/research combined degree must consult with staff before selecting their topic and supervisor, and meet regularly with their supervisor during the course of their research.