Structure and organisation of the faculty

The faculty is a statutory body granted faculty status by the University Council in July 1997.
The faculty comprises all students enrolled for degrees and diplomas offered by the faculty and all academic, administrative, technical and clerical staff at all the Monash campuses.
The faculty has the departments of Applied Arts, Fine Arts, Design, Theory of Art and Design, and a centre at the Gippsland campus, Churchill, called the Gippsland Centre for Art and Design.
The major academic responsibilities of the faculty are delegated to the faculty board. The faculty board comprises the dean, associate deans, heads of departments and centres, representatives from the academic staff of the faculty, student members of the faculty, and representatives from the university and other faculties which participate in double or joint awards or have an interest in the work of the faculty. Except in matters on which it has power to act, the faculty board makes recommendations to the Academic Board or through the Academic Board to the Council. The faculty board has standing committees empowered to act on behalf of the board when required. These committees include:
(a) the Committee of Undergraduate Studies, which advises the board on matters relating to the undergraduate and honours degrees of the faculty
(b) the Committee of Graduate Studies, which advises the board on matters relating to graduate programs of the faculty
(c) the Committee of Research, which advises the board on research issues of the faculty.
The chief officers of the faculty are the dean of the faculty and the faculty registrar, who are located on the Caulfield campus. The dean is a professor of the faculty and presides over meetings of the faculty, the faculty board and faculty committees. The faculty registrar is responsible for the academic administration of the faculty, with particular concern for matters relating to university statutes and faculty regulations.