Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology

General information

Course code: 1749 * Gippsland campus * Fee paying course fee to be advised Attendance compulsory.


This course is offered as a two-year distance education program for students who hold a first degree with a major in psychology. The course provides advanced study of the discipline together with an introduction to the professional practice of psychology. The course aims to develop knowledge and skills relating to assessment, diagnosis and treatment of psychological difficulties, and to promotion and maintenance of psychological wellbeing. The content of the course is designed for persons wishing to undertake supervised psychological practice upon completion of the course. It would be particularly relevant for people hoping to work in community health centres, community welfare agencies and educational establishments.

Study of single components

Graduates with an APS accredited fourth-year degree in psychology, or who are currently registered psychologists, may apply to undertake components of the Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology. This is designed to enable fourth-year graduates to meet specific Registration Board requirements, or for currently practising psychologists to undertake studies in specific professional components for continuing education purposes. It is not intended as an alternative form of entry to fourth year. Entry is subject to quota limitations, and admission to one component does not confer rights to complete other components. GAS4510 (Research project A) and GAS4511 (Research project B) are only available to those students undertaking the complete course. Applicants should include evidence of eligibility and a letter describing the reasons for wishing to complete the component.

Professional recognition

The course has received provisional accreditation from the Australian Psychological Society.

Entry requirements

Admission to the course is open to applicants who possess a bachelor degree with a major in psychology from any Australian Psychological Society accredited course. Entry is, however, extremely competitive and successful applicants will need to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement (at least a credit average in third-level psychology will be necessary in order to have any chance of obtaining a place), relevant experience, and personal suitability for the profession of psychology. Applicants are required to have completed abnormal psychology in their undergraduate studies. Special quotas are reserved for applicants from remote locations or minority backgrounds.
In addition to meeting the above entry requirements, all applicants are required to complete a Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology application form. This can be obtained from the course inquiries centre by telephoning 1800 671 845.

Special requirements

Compulsory attendance

Students must attend two compulsory five-day residential schools per year at a location to be determined. These will normally be held in April and July.

Course structure

The course is normally of two years duration by the distance education mode. However, students are able to elect to spread their study program over more than two years. The subjects GAS4501, GAS4502, GAS4503, GAS4504 and GAS4505 each contribute 12 per cent to the total mark, and GAS4510 and GAS4511 together contribute 40 per cent to the total mark.

Year one

Year two


Assessment involves both assignments and examinations. Assignments cover a variety of formats including counselling tapes, assessment reports, research proposals, and reviews of methodology of published articles. A major course requirement is the compilation of a report of an individual research project (GAS4511).


There are no credits/exemptions for this course.

Further information

For more detailed information, contact the Department of Psychology, Clayton campus - telephone (03) 9905 3941, or email

Completed applications

Completed applications are to be forwarded to the administrative officer, Department of Psychology, Monash University Clayton campus, by 29 October 1999 to be considered for a first-round offer.