Master of Diplomacy and Trade

General information

Course code: 2643 * Caulfield campus * Australian citizens and residents subject fee: $1200; course fee: $7200 * Overseas students: subject fee: $1500 per subject; course fee: $9000.


The course aims to develop competencies in the range of subjects regarded as essential in the fields of diplomacy and trade. These competencies include a solid understanding of the principles and practices of international relations, international law, economics, international trade and public policy and a thorough grasp of key issues on the international economic and political agenda and their implications for foreign and trade policy. They also include better understanding of and a capacity to analyse and report on the global trade and business environment and how national and economic interests can best be pursued; international economic issues and developments and their implications for external and domestic interests of Australia and regional countries; the international political and security environment; the concepts and principles of international law and the operation of the international legal system; foreign policy, the role of diplomacy, and the ways and means by which national interest can be advanced by diplomats through dealings at the bilateral, regional and multilateral level.

Entry requirements

The course is available to students who have completed a bachelors degree from an Australian university or its equivalent or such other qualifications and/ or experience deemed by the course director to be an equivalent qualification. Overseas qualifications must be assessed by the International Administrative Officer in the Faculty of Business and Economics. Normal English language entry requirements for postgraduate international students apply.

Special requirements


Access to email and audio tape playback equipment is essential and access to the Internet is desirable for those enrolled in flexible mode.


There are no compulsory attendance requirements.

Course structure

The Graduate Diploma (Diplomacy and Trade) is a two-year part-time course. The Master of Diplomacy and Trade is a four-year part-time course.


A combination of assignments and (in some subjects) a final examination.


Credit may be granted for comparable subjects completed at fourth year level, elsewhere or at a previous time, not longer than five years prior to the date of enrolment in the current course, to a maximum of 50 percent of the course, at the discretion of the course director and with the approval of the Faculty of Business and Economics. Overseas qualifications must be assessed by the International Administrative Officer in the Faculty of Business and Economics. Graduate subjects taken at another university may qualify for exemption provided they are equivalent subjects. Subjects for which an undergraduate qualification has been gained may qualify for substitution. Any exemptions will be determined prior to offer

Further information

For more detailed information contact

Completed applications

Completed applications are to be forwarded to Ms Pat Hurst, course administrator, Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3168 Australia.