Bachelor of Science (Environmental)


Clayton campus
Course code: 1112
Course coordinator: Associate Professor Frank Burden

Course outline

The Bachelor of Science (Environmental) degree program is intended to prepare students for a professional career in environmental sciences. The program has been tailored to package together existing and new subjects offered in the Faculty of Science that are relevant to environmental sciences.
Students are encouraged to take a broad selection of environmental science subjects in first year. In second and third year, while still taking a broad selection of subjects, they should begin to identify a stream that will constitute a major study at third-year level.
The program aims to provide students with a sound background in the key environmental science and environmental management disciplines, and at the same time work towards a focus in one discipline. Graduates should thus be in a position to use an interdisciplinary approach to solving environmental science problems. Professional specialisations in one environmental science discipline can be developed through fourth-year honours, or postgraduate masters or PhD studies.
Subjects within the program will vary in their teaching format. Some will involve lectures and tutorials, others lectures and laboratory classes, and others will also involve fieldwork and field site visits. All students should choose a significant number of practical (laboratory, field)-based subjects to develop expertise in practical or applied aspects in environmental science.

Course objectives

The course aims to:

The course is a specifically tailored program for students who want a distinctively identified qualification in the environmental sciences.Teaching methods will include lectures, practical classes, tutorials, field trips and site visits and assignments.


Five streams have been included within the BSc(Env) course. Students must major in one of these streams, by following through a three-year progression in one of the streams. This will involve taking twelve points in that stream at first-year level, sixteen points at second-year level, and twenty-four points at third-year level. In addition students are required to take subjects from other environmental science streams, and may take subjects from other disciplines listed in the BSc(Env) list of subjects, unless otherwise approved by the course coordinator.
The five streams are:

Core subjects

Several core subjects are compulsory for all students within the environmental sciences designated entry degree program. No core subjects have prerequisites.

Course requirements

Level 2

Students must take the compulsory core subjects GES2420 and BIO2011.
In addition, students must select at least one sixteen-point sequence of level-two subjects from the BSc(Env) list of subjects. The remaining twenty-four points of level-two subjects must be selected from the BSc(Env) list unless otherwise approved by the course coordinator, bearing in mind the prerequisites for level three. No more than twenty-four points (not counting the core subjects) may be taken from any one stream.

Level 3

Students must take the compulsory core subject ENV3000 and select a twenty-four point sequence at level three from the BSc(Env) list of subjects. The remaining eighteen points must be selected from the BSc(Env) list of subjects at level three, unless otherwise approved by the course coordinator. At least twelve points must be selected from a single stream other than the stream containing the main (twenty-four point) sequence.

Honours year

Honours level programs on environmental themes will be offered in the participating departments. Successful completion of the honours program will lead to the award of BSc(Env)(Hons).