Graduate courses

Doctor of Philosophy, Caulfield/Clayton/Gippsland

An extensive research-based program offering further training primarily for BSc(Hons) graduates.

Doctor of Psychology, Clayton

A three and a half-year research degree which includes coursework and practical training in clinical psychology, and additional coursework in a choice of specialised areas (forensic psychology and medical/health psychology).

Graduate Certificate in Plant Natural Products Berwick, Gippsland, distance/Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE

One year of study, in collaboration with Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, leads to the award of GradCertPNatProds.

Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Caulfield/Clayton/Gippsland/distance

A three-year, part-time sequence of study whereby graduates may complete the major in psychology progressively from level one to level three. This replaces single subject enrolments in psychology.

Master of Organisational Psychology, Caulfield

A two-year full-time (or four years part-time) coursework program for psychology graduates in organisational psychology.

Master of Applied Science, Caulfield/Clayton/Gippsland

A research-based program for BAppSc or BSc graduates or undergraduate diploma graduates who have appropriate work experience.

Master of Psychology, Clayton

A two-year full-time (or part-time equivalent) coursework program for psychology graduates is offered within the Faculty of Education. See Faculty of Education handbook.

Master of Science, Caulfield/Clayton/Gippsland

A research-based program primarily aimed at further training for BSc(Hons) and BSc graduates. Coursework/minor thesis programs are available in some areas: geology, geophysics, mathematical modelling, meteorology and statistics.

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology, Caulfield

A one-year full-time or two years part-time course for students who hold a first degree with a major in psychology.

Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology, Gippsland

A two-year, part-time distance education course for students who hold a first degree with a major in psychology.