
General information

Please note that details set out below relate to the three-year Bachelor of Pharmacy course and that arrangements relating to the pre-registration training required following the introduction of the four-year Bachelor of Pharmacy course had not been established at the time of publication.
Having completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, in order to register as a pharmacist, graduates must complete a period of practical training and pass the final examination conducted by the Pharmacy Board of Victoria.
This period of practical training must be regarded as an integral part of a four-year program leading to registration as a pharmacist. The undergraduate pharmacy course has been structured in a way which depends upon the period of practical training following graduation for instruction in many aspects of clinical pharmacy and applied therapeutics. It is not possible to include these topics in the current three-year undergraduate program.
A prerequisite to entering for the final examination is that practical training has been undertaken under conditions laid down by the board, and in premises approved by the board. Students should check with prospective tutors that the training arrangements have received board approval.

The Pharmacy Board of Victoria

The Pharmacy Board of Victoria is a statutory body constituted by Act of Parliament and answerable to the Victorian State Parliament through the Minister for Health and Aged Care. The board meets and has its administrative offices at the Victorian College of Pharmacy.
The board approves the prescribed subjects to be studied by students undertaking the pharmacy course, registers pharmacists, supervises the practical training of students and trainees including the registration of articles of traineeship, approves tutors and premises for practical training, issues students' training record books and conducts the final examination. The board's function is to act in the public interest.