Student learning resources

Throughout the course, the radiography curriculum encourages the development of clinical and communication skills. Students are encouraged to utilise the specified Unit of Radiography and Medical Imaging teaching areas in order to improve their proficiency in these skills.


Several laboratories are equipped with computers for student use. All students now have the right to obtain a Novell network account which will allow them access to IBM-style PCs around the campus. This facility gives students access to electronic mail (email) for easy communication with fellow students and staff. Students wishing to register for an account will need to report to the Computer Centre with their student ID card and obtain a copy of Computer Centre regulations from the reception counter before attempting to access the network computers.


The Biomedical Library is one of five major branch libraries of the Monash University Library, and supports the teaching and research activities of the medical, biological sciences and psychology departments of the university. Online public access catalogues (OPACs) provide information concerning the materials held in the library, and a local area network (LAN) and stand-alone computers provide access to numerous CD-ROM databases, including Medline, PsycLIT and Biological Abstracts. Library tutorials are provided for all first-year medical students to familiarise them with the library, and provide instruction in the organisation and retrieval of scientific information. The tutorials include a CD-ROM component.
The Biomedical Library is located near the Anatomy department of the Faculty of Medicine, and is open seven days a week during term.
Students who are located at the Alfred Hospital, Box Hill Hospital or Monash Medical Centre have access to Biomedical Library materials located in libraries in these hospitals. These Monash University materials are listed on the OPACs, and are available to students at the Clayton campus through a 'hospital loans' system.
In addition, the clinical radiology departments to which radiology students are rostered offer a range of library facilities.

Language and Learning Services Unit

Staff of the Language and Learning Services Unit are available to assist students with problems concerning the use of English in their courses. Help can be provided for the following areas: written and oral expression; notetaking from lectures and texts; approaches to study. Individual or small group tutorials are available to all students - undergraduate and postgraduate; native and non-native speakers of English. Special courses and workshops can also be conducted on request from academic staff.
For further information about the unit, contact Tim Moore 9905 5069 (room 127, Menzies building) or Rosemary Clerehan 9903 2593. Information is also available on the Language and Learning Services Unit homepage at