Assessment procedures

Methods of assessment

Students should note carefully the general information on assessment of students contained in the Student resource guide. The faculty uses a variety of methods for assessing the performance of enrolled students including laboratory work, assignments, essays, oral and written exams, fieldwork and clinical placements. The specific means for assessment for each subject are generally included within the outlines of subjects contained in this handbook. Further information, including prerequisite and corequisite requirements may also be found there or will be distributed at the initial class for each subject.
Details of assessment should be provided to students within the first week of each semester.

Marks and grades

The following marks and grades apply:

Board of examiners

The board of examiners meetings are held at the end of each semester or as required. Results are sent to students by mail after the board of examiners meeting, and are available by telephoning 1901 140 055 or via the Web:

Supplementary examinations

Undergraduate students (excluding honours) at the School of Nursing, Gippsland and Peninsula, may be granted permission by the board of examiners to undertake a supplementary examination in a subject which has not been satisfactorily completed. The result for satisfactory completion of supplementary examinations will be registered as 50% (P). A supplementary examination may consist of a written examination, assignment, skills examination or additional clinical placement.

Special consideration and special (deferred) examinations

A student whose performance during the academic year or whose performance in an examination period or other assessment has been affected by illness or other serious cause may apply in writing on a 'special consideration form' to the relevant school or centre administration office for special consideration and this will be taken into account by the board of examiners when determining the student's results for the subjects affected.
The application must be accompanied by appropriate evidence and must be made not later than forty-eight hours after the last examination scheduled for the candidate.
The board of examiners may allow a student to sit for a special (deferred) examination where:
1 the student has been prevented by illness or other serious cause from presenting for all or part of an examination; or
2 the student's work during the academic year or performance in the examination has been gravely affected by illness or other serious cause.
In all cases appropriate documentation, which in the case of illness will be a medical certificate, must be provided.
Application forms for special consideration can be obtained from the school/centre administration office on each campus. All applications for special consideration, and in particular medical certificates, will be treated in strict confidence.