Subjects, semesters and points

Faculty handbook

Students selected for admission to nursing courses should read this handbook carefully before enrolling. Re-enrolling students should purchase a handbook each year and be familiar with its contents, as changes may be made from year to year. Students should note that degree regulations are the formal prescription of the requirements to complete a degree and it is the student's responsibility to ensure that the requirements are understood.

The semester system

The faculty operates on a semester program. Virtually all subjects are taught, assessed and examined, and the results published within one semester. Subjects consist of a program of study which may include a series of lectures, tutorials and, when appropriate, laboratory classes and clinical experience.

Credit points

Each subject is worth a number of credit points. Subjects to the value of twenty-four credit points constitute a normal full-time enrolment in any semester. There are forty-eight credit points in a normal full-time year.
When the subject is passed, these credit points are added to the student's total, and thus by a process of accumulating credit points and satisfying the course requirements (eg for 'core' and 'elective' subjects) the student progresses towards degree completion. Details of core and elective subjects and the number of credit points required for degree completion in each degree course are set out in the subject lists included in the relevant sections of this handbook.