Third year

General information

In third year, there are eight core subjects that have been specially developed for the BBiomedSci degree program. There will also be a range of elective subjects. These may be chosen from either within or from outside of the Faculty of Medicine. Some are multidisciplinary and some are based on single discipline subjects.
In each semester, an elective, multidisciplinary laboratory practical subject will be offered. These subjects are designed for those students who are considering a laboratory-based honours year and may be taken with a single discipline-based elective.

Rules and protocols

(a) Students must study at least four of the eight core subjects, two per semester.
(b) Students may elect to study:

Options one and two would particularly suit the student who wants a general, broad-based outcome.
Options one, two and three would particularly suit the student who wants a vocational outcome.
Option three would particularly suit the student who wants a biomedical research outcome.

First-semester core subjects

Second-semester core subjects