Degree of Bachelor of Biomedical Science (BBiomedSci)


A graduate of the Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree will be expected to

Structure of the course

The course is designed as a series of interlinked and consecutive sequences of subjects designed to permit students to readily acquire fluency and proficiency in the concepts, language and fundamentals of the biomedical sciences. The development of such a flexible curriculum may be achieved as part of one or more orderly course sequences or knowledge streams. The distinctive feature of this educational approach is that students are allowed some flexibility in their choice of subjects so that they are able to construct a sequence of studies suitable to their own requirements. In this way, students choose the most appropriate studies for their own particular career aspirations.

General considerations

The undergraduate course is normally taken in three years of full time study.

Elective subjects

Students will study two elective subjects in each of the first two years of their degree, and up to four elective subjects in the third year of the program. The following faculties are offering electives in various years of the program.

Faculty of Arts
First-year electives

In principle, all first-year Faculty of Arts subjects are available as electives for the Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree, subject to their availability, timetable considerations and the rules and regulations of the Faculty of Arts. A range of subjects are available, which will, over two years, provide a minor sequence (twenty-four points) in arts. These include several language subjects and subjects from philosophy, geography, sociology, history and politics. Several of these are also available by distance and flexible modes. The Faculty of Arts together with the Department of Physiology have developed a pair of first-year elective subjects, BME1111 and BME1122.

Second and third-year electives

The Faculty of Arts has several possible elective subjects at later year levels, which would include languages, philosophy and geography. A range of subjects are available, which will, over two years, provide a minor sequence (twenty-four points) in arts.

Faculty of Business and Economics
First-year electives

Students may choose electives from a range of subjects that can provide a minor sequence (twenty-four points) in business and economics. These include accounting subjects AAF1021 and AAF1022, AAF1031 and AAF1032; economics subjects ECM1020 and ECM1031 or ECM1032; and management subjects MGC1020 and MGC1030. For full details of these subjects, please consult the handbook of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Second and third-year electives

Students may choose from several sequential subjects in accounting, economics and management, providing that the appropriate first-year subjects have been completed successfully.

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering will be offering, via the Centre for Biomedical Engineering, a third-year elective 'Sports medicine and rehabilitation', which will also involve the departments of Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery.

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law has agreed to make available a small number of places to suitably qualified students in the following elective subjects.

First-year electives

Legal process; Legal philosophy

Second and third-year electives

Legal issues in medicine; Elements of forensic medicine
Students wishing to be considered for these subjects need to consult with the associate dean (teaching) of the Faculty of Medicine.

Faculty of Information Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology is reviewing the development of elective subjects for the second and third year of the degree.

Faculty of Science

Students may choose from several elective subjects offered by departments from the Faculty of Science. In particular, the Department of Psychology, in collaboration with other departments, is developing a series of subjects for the Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience degree. Many of these subjects will be available as electives in all three years of the BBiomedSci program. These will include subjects such as 'Biorhythms and behaviour', 'Psychobiology of language' and 'Psychobiology of addiction'. In addition the Department of Mathematics in first year and the Department of Biological Sciences in second and third year are offering several elective subjects.

Faculty of Medicine

Students may choose from elective subjects from the Faculty of Medicine in all three years of the degree. The Department of Physiology, together with the Faculty of Arts, have developed a pair of first-year elective subjects, BME1111 (Race and evolution) and BME1122 (Sex, gender and health).
Among the elective subjects from the Faculty of Medicine that students can choose from in the second and third year of the degree are 'Drugs and society', 'Genomics', 'Ethical and legal perspectives of health', 'Assisted reproduction', 'Molecular microbiology', 'Fertility regulation', 'Perinatal medicine', 'Physiology of exercise' and 'Nutrition and health'.
A multidisciplinary laboratory practical elective subject is available for each semester of third year. These electives will provide practical laboratory experience that may prepare students for a laboratory based honours year.

Rules and protocols for third-year subject selection

(a) Students must study at least four of the eight core subjects, two per semester.
(b) Students may elect to study:

Options one and two would particularly suit the student who wants a general, broad-based outcome.
Options one, two and three would particularly suit the student who wants a vocational outcome.
Option three would particularly suit the student who wants a biomedical research outcome.

Course and subject management

The management of all undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Medicine is overseen by the Curriculum Review and Development Committee (CRDC), which reports to the Medical Faculty Board. The Bachelor of Biomedical Science Course Management Committee is responsible for the development and delivery of all aspects of the degree, and reports to the CRDC. Individual subjects are developed and delivered by conveners and subject management committees that consist of interdepartmental and interfaculty representatives.

Course plan

First semester core

Second semester core

First year

BMS1011 Biomedical chemistry

BMS1042 Biomedical sciences and society

BMS1021 Cells, tissues and organisms

BMS1052 Human neurobiology

BMS1031 Medical biophysics

BMS1062 Molecular biology

plus one elective subject

plus one elective subject

Second year

BMS2011 Structure of the body

BMS2042 Human genetics

BMS2021 Biochemistry in human function

BMS2052 Microbes in health and disease

BMS2031 Body Systems

BMS2062 BioInformatics and communication

plus one elective subject

plus one elective subject

Third year

BMS3011 Public health and health promotion

BMS3052 Health systems and management

BMS3021 Molecular medicine

BMS3062 Medical biotechnology

BMS3031 Hormones, health and disease

BMS3072 Reproduction and development

BMS3041 Human disease and treatment

BMS3082 Infection and immunity

There are also a range of six-point elective subjects available at the third-year level