Centre for Graduate Studies in Clinical Nursing
Director: Ms A Nolan
Address: Centre for Graduate Studies in Clinical Nursing, Monash Medical
Centre, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton 3168
Telephone: (03) 9550 2340
Fax: (03) 9550 2338
Email: anne.nolan@med.monash.edu.au
The centre endeavours to inform clinical practice via rigorous research and has
developed nursing research activities around three key foci.
- Nursing/midwifery interventions Examining the post discharge
needs of patients; relationship between patients' experiences of discomfort and
self-care capabilities; haemodialysis patient's perception of itch and
implication for nursing practice; associations between stress and coronary
artery disease; the emotional impact on families who monitor vulnerable infants
at home; the experience of parents in neonatal intensive care unit; effect of
breastfeeding education in the middle of pregnancy on duration of
breastfeeding; outcomes of women experiencing perineal trauma/repair after a
normal delivery; uncomplicated AMI patients learning needs and symptoms of
discomfort after early discharge to hospital in the home; learning needs,
perceptions of stress, coping and burden of the carer supporting the AMI
patient at home.
- Health care informatics Development of a new nursing information
system; studies examining nursing costs; the use of digital photography and its
potential as a documentation source for patient associated cues.
- Advanced practice Credentialing nurse pap smear providers;
exploring collaborative models of care; evaluate the impact of an educational
package on midwives performing perineal repair; evaluate impact of
implementation of cardiac hospital in the home program on uncomplicated AMI
patients discharged early.