Graduate certificates

Graduate Certificate in General Practice Psychiatry

General information

This is a distance education course run by the Department of Community Medicine and General Practice. The course is available to registered medical practitioners engaged in full or part-time general practice.
The course aims to address the need for general practitioners to improve their skills in managing patients suffering from psychiatric conditions in the primary care setting. On completion of the course students should be able to appreciate the content and context of psychiatric illness in the community and in general practice; adequately detect and diagnose mental health problems in general practice; effectively assess and manage a range of common psychiatric conditions and refer when necessary to specialists services; and involve themselves in shared care of psychiatric patients with both acute and chronic problems and communicate effectively and empathically with patients with psychiatric illness and with their families and carers.

Course structure

The course is conducted part-time over two semesters. The subjects are as follows:

First semester
Second semester

Assessment is by written assignments based on case discussions and case management, reflective journals, case commentaries and clinical audit.


Inquiries should be directed to the Department of Community Medicine and General Practice, 867 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165.

Graduate Certificate in Medical Acupuncture

Planned for 1999


Inquiries should be directed to the Department of Community Medicine and General Practice, 867 Centre Road, East Bentleigh, 3165.

Graduate Certificate in Mental Health for Teaching Professions

Planned for 1999


Inquiries should be directed to Ms A Mangan, Department of Psychological Medicine, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton, 3168.