Second year

General information

Second year comprises general and systems studies and commences an interface with patient care in MED2061 and MED2062 (Clinical and communication skills I). The general subjects in second year include an introduction to pharmacology and neurosciences, an introduction to statistics and epidemiology, cell and molecular biology III, principles of human nutrition, basic haematology, tissue injury, neoplasia and inflammation and infection and immunity. The last two introduce students to pathology and microbiology at a much earlier stage than occurs at most medical schools. However this move is consistent with our contention that learning about abnormal biology can be used to reinforce learning about normal biology. Integrated systems studies in second year include cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, and gastrointestinal medicine. MED2061 and MED2062 (Clinical and communication skills I) integrates the theoretical learning from other studies with the reality of patient care as well as providing direct instruction in medical interviewing and physical examination.
Students undertake a five-day placement in a rural general practice clinic or hospital as their option study.

Teaching methods

The subjects studied in second year employ teaching methods similar to those in first year and include seminars, tutorials, laboratory and other practical classes, bedside teaching, computer-assisted analysis sessions, small group sessions and group discussions.


Formal examinations and ongoing assessment throughout the year are combined by lecturers to give the students a variety of settings to test the skills they are acquiring. End-of-semester exams may consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions and sometimes involve a practical component. Writing up of practical sessions, participation in tutorial exercises, case study projects and 'case style' group presentations are examples of the ongoing assessment of students.


First semester

Coordinator: Dr B J Canny (Physiology)

Second semester

Coordinator: Associate Professor C A Browne (Physiology)