Graduate Diploma in Network Computing


Peninsula campus - on-campus and flexible delivery mode
Course code: 2324
Course director: Mr Peter Torokfalvy


The Graduate Diploma Computing is a part-time course designed for graduates in any non-computing discipline who wish to gain a first qualification in computing. The course aims to produce graduates who will be specialists in the field of network computing, who will be able to design and construct distributed applications operating on local area networks, wide area networks, intranets, extranets and the Internet. Graduates will be able to administer and manage these networks for organisations and will have an understanding of the legal and organisational issues that have become critical for successful implementation of networked applications. Graduates will be enabled to continually develop their skills in order to keep abreast with technological developments. In addition the course fosters a professional approach to computing and an awareness of its social implications.
Some of the subjects offered in the Graduate Diploma in Network Computing may be presented in flexible delivery mode. Subjects offered in flexible delivery mode allow for self directed learning, with the majority of course work being completed by students working from home, or at their workplaces. The teaching method used will address the person to person contact problem through the use of email, individual and group chat facilities, and real time audio and video contact. Many of the study materials are accessed through a personal computer. Students enrolled in subjects offered in flexible delivery mode will need a personal computer to access course materials and also require Internet access via an Internet Service Provider (ISP) of their choice.

Course structure

The course will comprise eight semester-length, six credit-point subjects (forty-eight points) chosen from offerings in the Bachelor of Network Computing. Three of these are core subjects (eighteen points), with the other five (thirty points) being elective, enabling students to tailor the course to suit their particular interests. To qualify for the graduate diploma at least one of the electives studied must be a third year subject.
Core subjects are:

The electives are to be selected from subjects offered in the Bachelor of Network Computing offered by the Peninsula School of Computing and Information Technology. The electives provide the option of studies in the areas of analysis and design of distributed systems, programming techniques in a networked computing environment, data communications, database systems in networked environments and industrial project work.
Note that students may qualify for the Graduate Certificate in Network Computing after having completed four subjects.

Duration of course

The Graduate Diploma in Network Computing is offered over four semesters of part-time study and may be completed in a minimum of two years part-time study. Maximum time to complete the course complies with the Faculty of Information Technology regulations.

Workload requirements

The expected weekly student workload is twelve (12) hours study per subject.

Admission requirements

The minimum entry requirement for admission to the Graduate Diploma in Network Computing is a recognised degree or equivalent qualification in any field other than computing, information science or computer science. Applications will also be accepted from those who do not hold a degree but have relevant industry experience and training equivalent to at least two years of tertiary study; however only limited places are available in this category.

Fees for Australian residents

The course fee is $8000 or $1000 per subject.