School of Computer Science and Software Engineering

Profile of the school

The School of Computer Science and Software Engineering is a new structure within the faculty which brings together the research and teaching efforts of four previous disciplines, namely computer science, computer technology, digital systems and software development. The school covers a wide range of activities mainly at the technical end of the computing spectrum, in particular, the science of computing, the underlying software and hardware of computing systems and software engineering. It operates on both the Clayton and Caulfield campuses, and is the largest academic unit of its type in Australia.


The school seeks to provide courses and student supervision of the highest quality, to undergraduate, postgraduate and professional audiences. It seeks to offer its courses in a variety of ways including on-campus, off-campus and by distance teaching. The school's staff view students as their valued customers, and seek to make courses and student contacts attractive and advanced.
The school contributes in substantial ways to the following courses offered by the faculty:

Graduates of these degrees will be prepared to join the professions and the sciences with internationally recognised knowledge and advanced skills in the development and use of information technologies applied to business, engineering, government and scientific inquiry.


The school encourages joint research and development with appropriate bodies in government, business, industry, academia and both the national and international communities.
The school seeks research support from all appropriate sources and attempts to broaden the base of such support.


The school strives to enhance the working environment by the provision of ample equipment and expert support personnel. To maintain and improve the working environment, the school also:


The school's researchers and scholars seek to advance the state of the art knowledge and understanding of the discipline with a strong focus on application and practice; to develop cooperative and synergetic research arrangements and teams with academia, industry and government; and to foster educational and research links, nationally and internationally. In these ways the school will enhance the standing of the university.
The school has an extremely broad range of research activities, ranging from fundamental aspects of computing through to the development of real hardware and software systems.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Active areas of research in AI include planning (especially planning under uncertainty); modelling with Bayesian networks (static and dynamic); user modelling; speech understanding; natural language generation; argument analysis and generation; cognitive science; philosophy of AI. Active areas of research in machine learning include learning Bayesian and causal networks; minimum message length induction (MML); plan recognition; genetic algorithms and evolutionary computation; neural networks; game theory and market forecasting; algorithmic aspects of inductive inference; probabilistic prediction; data mining; philosophy of induction; pattern recognition.

Academic staff

Dr D W Albrecht, Dr L Allison, Mr A Blucher, Dr N Craske, Professor J N Crossley, Associate Professor T I Dix, Mr A Dorin, Dr D Dowe, Dr G Farr, Dr M Garcia de la Banda, Ms R Gedge, Mr C Greif, Dr K Korb, Mr G Lowe, Associate Professor K Marriott, Dr A Nicholson, Dr A P Paplinski, Dr B Qiu, Dr S Ray, Mr R Redpath, Professor H Schmidt, Dr P Tischer, Dr X Wu, Associate Professor I Zukerman

Communications and digital signal processing

This group covers the areas of communications systems, communication protocols, networking, and the theory and application of DSP. Current interests include issues of basic communications technology; network design and analysis, switching methods, routing; protocol engineering; network security; public communications policy; processing and compression of video, audio and multimedia signals.

Academic staff

Mr C Avram, Ms N Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor J W Breen, Dr D Dowe, Mr S Giles, Mr P Granville, Dr M Hassan, Dr A Paplinki, Dr R Pose, Dr B Qiu, Dr C Tellambura, Dr P Tischer, Associate Professor H Wu

Digital systems hardware and architecture

This group covers the areas of computer architecture, digital systems and hardware and is particularly interested in the design of special purpose digital architectures for solving problems in image processing, combinatorial optimisation, neural networks and fuzzy logic. It encompasses research into general and special purpose computer systems and digital architectures; the design of application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and associated CAD tools; analogue electronics and associated sensors; hardware aspects of robotic devices.

Academic staff

Professor D Abramson, Ms N Bhattacharjee, Mr C Greif, Dr A P Paplinski, Dr R Pose, Dr B Qiu, Dr C Tellambura

Computing education

This group combines technological research and educational research to further the quality of education in computing disciplines. It covers a wide base of expertise, ranging from computer science and engineering topics on the one hand to educational theory on the other hand. Areas of interest include teaching/learning support tools; teaching methodologies; curriculum development; educational evaluation.

Academic staff

Mr C Avram, Ms A Carbone, Mr J Ceddia, Dr D Conway, Associate Professor T I Dix, Dr D Dowe, Ms R Gedge, Ms D Hagan, Associate Professor A J Hurst, Ms A Jawary, Dr K Korb, Mr M Koelling, Mr J Lowder, Ms J Miller, Ms C Mingins, Dr A Nicholson, Dr R Pose, Ms S Ramakrishnan, Mr J Robinson, Dr A S M Sajeev, Ms J Sheard, Professor H Schmidt, Dr P Tischer, Ms S Tucker, Dr A Zaslavsky, Associate Professor I Zukerman. There are also members from other schools in the faculty.

Database systems and information retrieval

This group is interested in various aspects of conventional (primarily relational), object-oriented, image and multimedia databases. Current research projects include conceptual, meta, spatial and temporal modelling and schema evolution, transaction models, distributed and federated and mobile databases, image database representation and retrieval, new models of information retrieval, data mining and visualisation tools.

Academic staff

Mr C Avram, Associate Professor J Breen, Ms A Carbone, Mr J Carpenter, Mr J Ceddia, Dr N Craske, Dr D Dowe, Ms A Jawary, Mr J Lowder, Ms J Miller, Mr R Redpath, Dr A S M Sajeev, Professor B Srinivasan, Mr R Simpson, Ms S Tucker, Dr A Zaslavsky

Distributed, parallel and mobile computing

This group covers areas of distributed, parallel and mobile computing systems. Current research projects and interests include formal models of mobility, power management in mobile systems, efficiency and security in mobile systems; distributed operating systems and distributed architectures such as client/server, DCOM and CORBA; parallel computation and resource management, scheduling, partitioning, load balancing, migration and caching; wireless computer networks; interoperability and internetworking; mobile and distributed agents, web applets and robots, brokers and traders; software tools for distributed, parallel and mobile computing; development, simulation and validation of parallel and distributed systems; concurrency, recovery and fault tolerance.

Academic staff

Professor D Abramson, Mr C Avram, Associate Professor J Breen, Associate Professor T I Dix, Dr M Garcia de la Banda, Mr S Giles, Mr P Granville, Associate Professor A J Hurst, Mr G Lowe, Dr R Pose, Ms S Ramakrishnan, Dr A S M Sajeev, Professor H Schmidt, Mr R Simpson, Professor B Srinivasan, Dr A Zaslavsky,

Graphics and image processing

This group undertakes research across a wide range of areas including computer graphics; image and signal processing; image and video compression; computer and robotic vision; human computer interaction in graphic user interfaces; visualisation; visual programming; virtual reality technology.

Academic staff

Ms N Bhattacharjee, Ms A Carbone, Dr D Conway, Mr A Dorin, Dr D Dowe, Mr C Greif, Ms R Gedge, Mr J Lowder, Associate Professor K Marriott, Mr J McCormack, Dr A P Paplinski, Dr B Qiu, Dr S Ray, Mr R Redpath, Dr R Pose, Dr A S M Sajeev, Professor B Srinivasan, Dr C Tellambura, Dr P Tischer, Dr R Worley, Associate Professor H Wu

Software engineering

The software engineering group views software engineering as an applied experimental discipline. While some research interests touch on theoretical foundations, eg of object-oriented notations and metrics, the group focuses on practical aspects of software artefacts and the methods and tools to systematically construct or manipulate them throughout the software lifecycle. Current research projects include object-oriented software engineering methods and tools; stable software architectures and patterns for distributed component systems; software configuration definition and management; design and project metrics for iterative object-oriented software development; interface specification of concurrent, fault-tolerant and embedded systems; reengineering, restructuring and reuse; formal methods in software quality assurance with a focus on rigorous static analysis, simulation, testing and debugging of objects; computational complexity and performance issues of object-oriented, parallel and distributed software.

Academic staff

Professor D Abramson, Mr A Blucher, Ms A Carbone, Dr D Conway, Dr N Craske, Associate Professor T I Dix, Dr D Dowe, Ms D Hagan, Associate Professor A J Hurst, Mr M Koelling, Ms J Miller, Ms C Mingins, Dr R Pose, Ms S Ramakrishnan, Mr J Robinson, Dr A S M Sajeev, Professor H Schmidt, Ms J Sheard, Ms S Tucker, Dr X Wu

Logic and theory

This group is concerned with the formal underpinnings of computing. Interests include logic programming, and its recent extension, constraint logic programming (CLP); visual language theory, that is to say the theory of languages with two dimensional syntax, such as mathematical equations or state transition diagrams; algorithms and computational complexity; optimisation; combinatorial structures used in computing, such as graphs; theory of inductive inference; extracting (correct) programs from mathematical proofs.

Academic staff

Dr L Allison, Mr A Blucher, Professor J N Crossley, Dr D Dowe, Dr G Farr, Dr M Garcia de la Banda, Dr K Korb, Associate Professor K Marriott, Professor H Schmidt