Full-time or part-time, day or evening classes
Course code: 1339
Course coordinator: Mr Chris Viney
Course adviser, computing subjects: Ms Dianne Hagan
double degree of Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) and Bachelor of
Computing aims to produce graduates who have confidence in their ability to
evaluate and implement new computer-based information technology in the banking
and finance industry. This course is offered on a full-time basis over four
years or part-time over eight years.
The course is designed to produce multi-skilled graduates able to manage both
the financial and information technology dimensions of the firm in the banking
and finance industry by developing a thorough understanding of the core
business issues in accounting, management, marketing, law, economics and
mathematics. Students also graduate with core information technology
competencies in analysis, design, development and deployment of computer-based
information systems.
The business degree satisfies the educational requirements for senior associate
membership of the Australian Institute of Banking and Finance. New graduates
are eligible for associate membership prior to completing the two years
employment in the banking and finance industry required for senior associate
residents entering from VCE require a grade average of C in both English and a
mathematics and an average of D in any two other VCE studies. Mature-age and
TAFE or comparable qualification entry categories are also available.
Holders of the AAIB award from the Australian Institute of Banking and Finance
are eligible for entry with advanced standing, with credit for up to six
subjects. Members of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
will be granted credit for three subjects. Students with a recognised
Certificate of Business Studies are eligible for credit for up to four
subjects. Those holding a relevant associate diploma (with Year 12 entry) from
a TAFE college may also be eligible for credit for up to eight subjects. The
course coordinator determines the subjects to be credited.
Students holding TAFE associate diplomas of business in microcomputing or
computer programming can also apply for entry with advanced standing, with
credit given for some first-year computing subjects. This applies also to
international students with approved higher diplomas from polytechnics and
universities in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Refer to the 'Entry with
advanced standing' section under 'Information for students'.
It is possible to major in information systems or software development instead of computer technology in the computing degree. Students should seek the course adviser's approval if they wish to study the alternate majors.
For further information about the course structure and subjects, students should refer to the 1999 Faculty of Business and Economics handbook. Application procedures are detailed in 'Information for students' in this handbook.