A student whose performance during a semester or during an examination
period is adversely affected by illness or other serious cause may apply for
special consideration, and this will be taken into account by the board of
examiners when determining the student's results for the subjects affected. If
the student misses an examination through illness or is so ill during an
examination as to be unable to do justice to his or her real abilities, the
student may apply for a special (deferred) examination. In all cases
appropriate documentation, which in the case of illness will be a medical
certificate, must be provided.
Application forms for special consideration can be obtained from the faculty's
administration office on each campus. Part A of the form asks for general
details, and part B is a medical certificate which should be filled in by the
attending medical practitioner in the case of illness. Students should note
that medical certificates stating that the student suffered from a
'medical/surgical condition' are unlikely to be accepted. All applications for
special consideration, and in particular medical certificates, will be treated
in strict confidence.