Library and Media Resources centre

Clayton campus
The Library and Media Resources centre is located on the first floor in the Education building at Clayton. It houses a number of collections, a media workshop and access to computer facilities. The normal opening hours are between 9 am and 7 pm during semester, and from 9 am to 5 pm during semester breaks. There is seating available in the reading room for about thirty-five people, and coin-operated printers and photocopiers.
There are three different book and non-book collections housed in the centre. The largest is a curriculum materials collection (which includes children's literature) for use primarily by teachers in training (both in methods and practice of teaching and on teaching rounds) and by TESOL students; a curriculum archive, still under development; and a collection of all the dissertations written in the faculty since its inception, representing the largest thesis collection from a single education faculty in Australia. It does not duplicate the holdings of the Monash University Library, from which most academic texts related to courses and all scholarly journals in psychology and education should be borrowed.
There are a number of online terminals available for searching across the worldwide bibliographic network, and staff at the Information Help Desk will help with finding material in the centre itself, within Monash or outside. Workshops are offered to staff and students in the use of library applications, catalogues and serials databases, and other software applicable to education research. The computers run software appropriate to academic writing, research and statistical analysis, as well as specialist psychology programs, Internet browsing and curriculum software.
There is an open access media workshop offering equipment and facilities for the production of resources for teaching and presentation, and training and advice offered to staff and students in aspects of graphic design, as well as audio and video materials. Desktop publishing, photography, laminating, poster production, and binding facilities are available, along with computers for the production of digital multimedia.
Staff in the Library and Media Resources centre welcome inquiries from all faculty members, and seek to provide the widest possible resources provision and support.