Elwyn Morey Child Study Centre

Clayton campus
The Elwyn Morey Centre was set up to reflect the interests of the late Associate Professor Elwyn Morey in early childhood education and special education. The centre includes facilities for research, observation and assessment.
The centre conducts a number of early intervention programs serving the needs of families whose children have a significant developmental delay. These children would reside in the greater southern region of the Victorian Department of Human Services. Programs are mostly integrated and may be centre-based or staff would provide support to families at home or to other children's services centres where children with developmental delay are attending.
The centre receives support from faculty staff and a number of students also undertake to complete practicum requirements within the early intervention program. Funding grants are sought from government sources which provide for a speech pathologist and a physiotherapist to support specific needs of children. The centre is able to conduct assessments for children to determine eligibility for the program and centre staff also work collaboratively with other agencies including government agencies which may be involved with the children or the family.
The centre is well equipped and includes an observation facility for systematic direct observation in the program and in one-to-one teaching situations. This allows students to carry out practical requirements and observe aspects of the program, as well as to use the centre for research purposes.
The centre staff comprise a psychologist director, two program coordinators, an early intervention teacher, a speech pathologist, a physiotherapist and two program assistants. Students wishing to work with children in the 0-6 age range are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the director (Dr Lawrence Bartak). A number of members of faculty staff are available and happy to provide academic and professional supervision in this field.