Graduate Certificate of Education (Professional Development Studies) (GradCertEd[PDS])

General information

Clayton and Gippsland campus (distance education)
Course code: 1762 (formerly ECPDDG)
Contact: Associate Professor Tony Taylor (please telephone (03) 51 22 6969 or (03) 9902 6969 for initial inquiries)

Introduction to course

The Graduate Certificate of Education (PDS) is a flexible program offered to allow professional educators to upgrade their qualifications.
This course is also offered to non-tertiary qualified applicants with substantial professional experience who may use it as an entry to further postgraduate study.


The objectives of the Graduate Certificate of Education (Professional Development Studies) course are to provide students with:

1 subject skill enhancement whereby a student may, by completing subjects in a certain discipline, improve, enhance and update his/her disciplinary skills;
2 addition of another discipline whereby a student may add the equivalent of a teaching submajor by studying four subjects in a new discipline;
3 improvement of management skills whereby a student may, by taking a combination of business management and educational management subjects, improve his/her workplace management skills;
4 improvement of teaching and communication skills whereby a student may, by taking a mixture of education and other subjects, improve his/her teaching and communication skills;
5 improvement of research skills whereby a student may improve his/her research skills by taking research-based subjects.

Admission requirements

Admission to this course will be open to applicants who possess a degree or diploma or who have equivalent professional/commercial experience and who are qualified educators or who have suitably acceptable experience in a related field.

Credit provision

Applicants contemplating admission to this course may seek formal credit or recognition of prior learning. Applicants should apply for credit prior to enrolment but currently enrolled students may also apply. The Faculty of Education considers each application on its merits within the context of the faculty guidelines on credit transfer which are contained in a booklet Learning from experience available from the Professional Development Institute, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Gippsland campus, Churchill 3842 ($7 postage and packing).

Course structure

The qualifications are designed to be very flexible and will permit a wide range of studies and activities in professional development to be drawn together including credit for non-award programs, workplace research, formal subjects of study, supervised independent study and so on, as part of a 'recognition of prior learning' program.
There are three recommended pathways through this program:

All subject choices will be contingent upon prerequisites which are stated in the various faculty handbooks.
It should be noted that professional development pathways may be contracted by educators in industry or professionals other than school teachers.

Length of course/workload required

The graduate certificate course is equivalent to twenty-four credit points of study and is normally completed over one year part-time by distance education. Study modes will vary according to the needs of program components. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is forty-eight.

Further information

Details of all subjects, including reading lists, follow the course information in this handbook. Not all subjects are offered each year and students should consult the timetable or the course advisor(s).
Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the senior administrator, Faculty of Education, Gippsland campus (telephone (03) 51 22 6969 or (03) 9902 6969) or visit our web site at