Drama and theatre studies

Centre for Drama and Theatre Studies

Director: Associate Professor Peter Fitzpatrick
Graduate coordinator: Associate Professor Peter Fitzpatrick
Candidates in drama and theatre studies may enrol for the degrees of PhD and MA by research only. Supervision is available in a wide range of areas of study, but particular research interests of the centre include Australian theatre, past and present; postcolonial drama; performance theory, and the semiotics of rehearsal and performance; Asian theatre; and the theatre, textual and non-textual, of the cultures and periods reflected in the programs of departments in the faculty. These areas are supported by library resources which are in most cases very strong and in none less than adequate. It is proposed that the centre will offer a two-year part-time Graduate Diploma in Theatre and Performance to commence in 1999, pending approval.
Prospective candidates are invited to discuss their proposed research with members of the centre at any time.

Members of staff and their fields of special interest

MICHAEL COE Concepts of contemporary and historical stage design; approaches to performance in relation to theatrical space.
RACHEL FENSHAM Feminist performance; performance theory; cultural history.
PETER FITZPATRICK Twentieth-century drama, especially Australian; musical theatre.
BARBARA HATLEY: Indonesian theatre and culture.
PETER SNOW Performance theory; contemporary theatre; performance making.
TERRY THREADGOLD Performance studies.
SUSAN TWEG Drama and social criticism; Shakespeare; avant garde, drama and film.
CHRISTOPHER WORTH Nineteenth-century British theatre; performance theory.