Classics and archaeology

Department of Classics and Archaeology

Head of department: Mr S J Bastomsky
Graduate studies coordinator: Mr P Andronikos
The Department of Classics and Archaeology at present accepts candidates for the degrees of MA and PhD in the areas of archaeology (Egypt and the Bronze Age Aegean), Roman history, classical culture, the classical languages (ancient Greek and Latin) and modern Greek. Prospective students should consult the graduate studies coordinator in regard to their projects.
Given the difficulty of pursuing advanced studies in ancient history and classical civilisation in the total absence of knowledge of the languages in which ancient texts, the ultimate evidential basis, were written, those proposing to carry out research in these areas are normally expected to have or to acquire functional knowledge of Ancient Egyptian, Latin or Greek.

Members of staff and their fields of special interest

PAVLOS ANDRONIKOS Modern Greek literature and society; Greek-Australian literature.
ELIZABETH A CARVALHO Mycenean studies; modern linguistic theory and its relevance to Indo-European languages.
COLIN A HOPE Archaeology of ancient Egypt; interconnections between cultures of the ancient Mediterranean especially in the Late Bronze Age.

Doctor of Philosophy

Course code: 0020
Course fee: Local students HECS; international students $A12,000 pa
Entry requirement
Honours 2A or above, or the equivalent in a relevant discipline. At present by thesis only.

Master of Arts by research

Course code: 0017
Course fee: Local students HECS; international students $A12,000 pa
The degree of PhD is taken by the submission of a thesis not exceeding 100,000 words, on a topic approved by the head of the department. Students enrolled in the first instance for an MA may be permitted to transfer to PhD if their subject and their progress warrant this. Graduate students enrolled for the PhD are expected to participate in department research seminars. Candidature is completed in three years full-time or six years part-time. For further information, please consult the Doctoral information handbook which is produced by the Research Training and Support Branch.

Entry requirements

Students seeking entry to the PhD should normally have an MA of first or second class division A honours degree in an appropriate discipline or MQual with a research component with a grade of H2A or above.


There is a useful research library in the department in addition to the holdings in the main library of the university. The usual microfilm, photocopy and interlibrary loan facilities are available.

Departmental seminars

Seminars and other presentations involving staff and graduate students are held regularly in most areas of Egyptology and Greek and Roman studies. Since in the classical areas the department is especially active in promoting and encouraging interdisciplinary research programs, many of these seminars are held in association with postgraduates from other departments and centres in the faculty.