Amendments to existing postgraduate handbook information (Effective 1 December 1998)

Supervision of research students

Due to the departure of academic staff from some departments and centres in the Faculty, there has been some anxiety amongst research students that their current research might suffer due to lack of a qualified specialist in their area of studies. Recognising this anxiety, the Faculty has asked all departments and centres to advise the Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), Professor Terry Threadgold, about supervision arrangements for each and every student and the Faculty is committed to provide all students with the best supervision possible. Any student who feels uncertain about arrangements for 1999 should in the first instance contact the head or the graduate co-ordinator of their current department or centre. If, after doing this, the student still has any questions regarding their supervisory arrangements, they should contact Professor Terry Threadgold (Room 816 in the Humanities Building at Clayton) or tel. 9905 2131 or 9905 1019. The manager of the Graduate Studies Office, Ms Marianne Gemperle, (Room 103, Humanities Building, tel. 9905 2105) is also available to assist students, and is also happy to take messages to be conveyed to Professor Threadgold. Any conversations with Professor Terry Threadgold or Ms Gemperle will be treated with full confidentiality.

Cancelled subjects

The following postgraduate subjects have been cancelled and will not be offered in the future:

Amendment to Masters Qualifying in Geography with a research component

Students undertaking the Masters Qualifying in Geography with a research component complete GYM4960 at 24 points (not GYM4900 at 12 points).