
Students undertaking coursework only

Students who have completed all of their studies for a particular program (Faculty Certificate and Masters Qualifying programs excluded) and wish to graduate should lodge an 'Application to graduate'. Forms are available from Student Services or from the faculty graduate studies office.
Students who expect to complete their course at the end of the year and wish to graduate at the first available ceremony in the following year, or wish to graduate at a ceremony in Southeast Asia in the following year, must lodge an application form no later than one month before the Christmas vacation.
Students who expect to complete their course at the end of the first semester, and wish to graduate at the ceremonies in the second semester, must submit an application by the end of the first week of the second semester.
Students who graduate receive a free copy of their academic record enclosed with the testamur. Students who have completed the academic requirements for a Faculty Certificate should liaise with the graduate studies office for acquisition of their award.

Research students

The graduate studies office will forward an 'Application to graduate' form to masters students who have completed a thesis when all requirements for the degree have been met. An 'Application to graduate' should not be lodged before the examination of the thesis is complete.