Unsatisfactory progress and exclusion

Research students

Students undertaking a masters degree by thesis may only have their candidature terminated if their progress in their research is not considered satisfactory. It is expected that discussions between candidate and supervisor will have given adequate warning if the student's work is not developing satisfactorily. Whenever it has been recommended by the academic unit that a candidature be terminated, the student concerned will be asked if he or she wishes to make representation to the Committee for Graduate Studies before a final decision is made.

Students undertaking coursework

Academic units in the Faculty of Arts will be requested each year to notify the graduate studies office of students who have failed at least 50 per cent of the credit point value of the subjects enrolled in that year or who have failed a subject twice and whose progress is of concern to their department. Such students will be asked to show cause in writing to the faculty Graduate Exclusions Committee as to why they should not be liable for exclusion from the course.
The faculty Graduate Exclusions Committee will either permit students to return under the same conditions of enrolment or under different conditions of enrolment (eg part-time only) or it will exclude them.
A student who is excluded after making a case to the faculty Graduate Exclusions Committee may, within fourteen working days from the date on which a notice of exclusion is sent, appeal to the Exclusions Appeals Committee of the Academic Board. The appeal should be in writing on a proforma letter and should be lodged with the secretary of the Exclusions Appeals Committee. It is expected that an appellant will appear in person before the Exclusions Appeals Committee, but an appellant who does not wish to appear may make a written submission instead. An appellant will be notified in writing of the committee's decision within three to four days of the hearing.
The faculty may impose any conditions it sees fit on the re-enrolment of a student whose appeal against exclusion has been upheld by the Exclusions Appeals Committee. A student who fails to meet these conditions, and is subsequently excluded by the faculty, may appeal to the Exclusions Appeals Committee.
An excluded student may apply to the faculty for re-admission one academic year after the year in which the unsatisfactory progress resulted in exclusion.
The powers and procedures of the faculty Graduate Exclusions Committee and the Exclusions Appeals Committee are set out in Monash University Statute 6.2 and the regulations made under that statute. The statute and regulations are set out in the Monash University Calendar.
Inquiries regarding the hearing of appeals should be directed to the secretary of the Exclusions Appeals Committee, University Secretariat, telephone (03) 9903 9003.