
General information

The faculty receives a great number of applications for graduate programs. Demand for places is therefore highly competitive and not all qualified applicants can expect to be successful.
PhD application forms are available from Research Training and Support Branch and from the relevant department or centre; faculty certificate, diplomas and masters forms may be obtained from the graduate faculty office on the student's proposed campus. These sets of forms normally become available in August of the year before admission is sought.
The application must receive the recommendation of the head of the academic unit in which the intending candidate wishes to pursue studies. The application is then considered by the Committee for Graduate Studies of the Arts faculty board or, for PhD applicants, by the PhD and Scholarships Committee. The candidate is subsequently notified by letter of the committee's decision on the application.
Subject to availability of places, a mid-year intake, viz for start in second semester in July, may be available in some programs.

Closing date for applications

Applications for admission to higher degree candidature, diplomas and the certificate programs must be lodged no later than 31 October 1998 for the first semester intake in 1999.