Scholarships and prizes

The following is a summary of the awards and prizes available to students of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Australian Psychological Society

A free student subscribership is available to a student who has shown outstanding achievements at the end of the second year of an accredited psychology course.

Esso Australia

Esso make available two scholarships based on academic achievement to Koorie students. Value: $2000 each.

Peter Kerr Scholarship

The trustees of the Peter Kerr Scholarship Fund make this scholarship available to top students from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences who have completed an undergraduate program at the Gippsland campus and are proceeding to further study.

School of Humanities and Social Sciences prizes

Two prizes are awarded each year to students who have achieved outstanding results in their studies for that academic year. One prize is awarded to an on-campus student and the other to a distance education student.

W J Taylor Further Education Fund

This bequest to the Yooralla Society of Victoria is to assist in the education of people with physical disabilities.