Bachelor of Performing Arts/Bachelor of Laws

Course code: 2317
Coordinator: To be advised
Campus: Clayton
Application: Direct to Faculty of Law

Objectives of the Bachelor of Performing Arts/Bachelor of Laws

The double degree aims to give students a legal and performing arts education of high quality, and to prepare them for careers which may entail their distinctive combination of skills and knowledge.
On completion of the course, students should have acquired:

Admission requirements

Students must have attained a TER score at year 12 which is sufficient for entry to the BA/LLB combined degree.

Course structure

The Bachelor of Performing Arts/Bachelor of Law degree requires a minimum of five years full-time study, or six years for the degree with honours, or the equivalent in part-time study. Eligibility for entry will be based on existing requirements for the Bachelor of Performing Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees.
To qualify for the award, students must complete subjects to the value of a minimum of 256 credit points over the length of the course, of which 100 points should come from the subjects offered within the Performing Arts degree (predominantly by the Centre for Drama and Theatre Studies) and 156 points from subjects offered by the Faculty of Law.

First year - 48 points

In first year students will complete Legal Process (12 points) and Criminal Law (12 points), together with the following units (comprising in total 24 points) toward the BPA:

Second year - 48 or 56 points

In second year they will complete Contract (12 points), together with the following units toward the BPA:

Third year - 44 or 52 points

In third year they will complete Property (12 points), together with the following units to complete the BPA component:

In the remaining two years, their work will be exclusively concerned with Law. In fourth year they complete Torts and Constitutional Law (24 points) and Elective Law subjects (30 points), and in fifth year they complete administrative Law (12 points) and elective Law subjects (42 points).

Bachelor of Arts (available through Open Learning Australia)