Bachelor of Music

General information

Course code: 0821
Coordinator: Mr Andre de Quadros

Objectives of the Bachelor of Music degree

At the completion of the Bachelor of Music (BMus) degree, students should have acquired: (i) a practical, theoretical, critical, historical and contextual knowledge and understanding of music; (ii) a range of solo and ensemble performance skills of a high standard; (iii) academic skills leading to postgraduate study and research in music; (iv) an ability to contribute to the community through well-developed music performance skills, and through analytical, problem-solving and communication skills; and (v) a general education in music suitable for employment in the music industry and teaching professions.
Students who complete the BMus degree are expected to develop:

Nature and structure of the Bachelor of Music degree

The Bachelor of Music degree (BMus) allows students to undertake a major sequence of studies in performance together with studies in composition, musicology or ethnomusicology. Students apply for entry directly into the Bachelor of Music program at the first-year level. To qualify for the degree students must complete two major sequences, one in performance and one in a choice of composition, musicology or ethnomusicology. In addition, a minor sequence must be completed in performance. A first-year sequence either in music or another arts or science subject is required.