Monash University Science handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Single subject enrolments

1. The prime teaching responsibility of the Faculty of Science is to students seeking to complete studies towards a university degree, but the faculty will consider applications from persons to undertake single subjects additional to, or separate from, the BSc provided that (i) applicants who are under twenty-three years of age have faculty entry standards equivalent to those of normal entrants; (ii) the applicant has not in the same year been excluded from the BSc; (iii) single-subject students not be enrolled in quotaed subjects unless the quota has not been filled; (iv) work completed on a single-subject basis will not normally be credited towards any subsequent Monash undergraduate science course.

2. The head of department concerned, if satisfied that (i) the department has the requisite resources; (ii) the applicant has the background knowledge necessary to undertake the subject; and (iii) the applicant appears to have the necessary motivation to complete the subject, shall recommend admission of the applicant through the dean. In respect of an applicant who is a candidate for a science degree, the academic adviser's concurrence will also be required.

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