Course coordinator: Professor John Bradshaw
Course objectives
The course aims:
* to provide students with a fundamental understanding of psychology as a scientific discipline with biological, social and cognitive aspects;
* to provide detailed knowledge in a cross-section of the major sub-areas of the discipline, covering both theoretical and professional issues;
* to enable students to develop a good understanding of the research and evaluation methods that underlie behavioural sciences;
* to provide students with a detailed understanding of areas of psychology that are particularly relevant in contemporary scientific and applied psychology;
* to develop skills in the development of research and evaluation designs, the application of statistical techniques and computer-based statistical packages.
The course is offered on a full-time (three years) or part-time (six years) basis and is designed for students who already have a well-developed career goal of specialising in psychology. Lectures are principally based at the Clayton campus but a sequence of appropriate subjects is also taught at the Caulfield and Peninsula campuses. On completion of the course students will be eligible to apply for accredited fourth-year courses in psychology - either honours or post-graduate diploma programs. Completion of an accredited fourth-year program in psychology satisfies the academic requirements for registration as a psychologist in Victoria.
Course structure
First year (48 points)
* PSY1011/1022 or APY1010/1020
* BIO1011/1022
* One semester of MAT (must include statistics)
* Three semester subjects (electives but must conform to BSc regulations)
Second year (48 points)
* PSY2011/2022 or APY2010/2020
* Remainder: student choice but must conform to BSc regulations
At second year level a series of optional proseminars will be presented on recent developments in the discipline.
Third year (48 points)
* At least twenty-four points from PSY3011/3022 or from APY3011/3022, and up to a further twenty-four points from PSY3011, PSY3022, APY3011, or APY3022
* Remainder: student choice but must conform to BSc regulations.
Academic adviser
An academic adviser will be provided for each student entering the BSc(Behavioural) course.