Monash University Science handbook 1995
Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to
Studies on the properties of drugs which affect the cardiovascular
system, particularly those which affect autonomic reflexes and vascular smooth
muscle; the pharmacology of antihypertensive agents and eicosanoids; vascular
complications of diabetes; studies of the effects of pregnancy on
cardiovascular reflexes and the uterine vasculature; pharmacological and
biochemical investigations of the effects of drugs on smooth muscle within the
reproductive tract; the effects of drugs on vascular function and transport in
the human placenta; drug receptors as membrane-bound enzyme systems; hormonal
modulation of drug receptors; studies of the properties of newly synthesised
novel compounds of potential therapeutic use, in collaboration with chemists;
studies on the pharmacological properties of novel compounds extracted from
marine organisms; neurochemical studies of neurotransmission; pharmacology of
novel neuroprotective agents.
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